Sunday, 29 November 2009


I've been really busy lately with school and so I haven't gotten around to blogging. However, all of my stuff is due this week so I'll have time after that for writing and such.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

It Rained Today

It's something of a trope for people to talk about the inaccuracies of meteorological weather predictions, but I find them to be very true most of the time.

Monday, 16 November 2009

A Massive Dream

Last Friday I developed a migraine and took Relpex sometime in the late afternoon. As a result, I quickly fell asleep and had a strange dream which seemed to last forever.

The first part of the dream began with Brother and myself in a car, he was driving and we were going to a store. It was something like Willy Wonka, about six other people were lined up on the upper level of the warehouse-like store. A man stood behind a counter, he was the owner and only employee. The store sold lots of things, old video games, comic books, as well as things like bracelets and headbands and geeky things. I don't remember much about wandering around in the store, but he took us to the different aisles and showed us things. I just remember a lot of time passing. Something happened... I convinced him to take me to a corner of the store that was sealed, I think we were given something of our choice. In that corner (it was a large area) had yellow stuff in it, like sheets of wood. But there were other things and I remember seeing a mouse or something scurry around. Brother wondered what we were doing? I remember checking out. There was a goth girl in front of me in line. There was something I don't remember. Something about a bomb, something about the things we were buying at the check out. I don't remember. Nor do I remember what transitioned to the next part of the dream.

It began in a video game-like setting, a bunch of prison cells in a U shape (like, outlining a U, the actual U was open ground). I don't remember much about this before we played in it as a level in Donkey Kong 64, though there was something about it. I remember looking around... Anyway, I remember Lanky Kong, and those pads you use in the game to activate things. The cells were stacked three high and there was no outer walkway on the upper levels. One of them had a hole in the floor and yellow things floating in a circle inside the cell. They may have been bananas. I remember talking to someone (female?) about being stealthy. Some sort of guards were around.

I'll continue later.

Saturday, 14 November 2009


Remember: Geek store, Jail Area + Donkey Kong 64 + Jericho, Jericho TV Show, Cooking in the Cul De Sac, Futurama + Enders Game + Jericho + Speaker For The Dead.

Thursday, 12 November 2009


Name to remember: Sarana

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

A Faerie Tale's Ending

A mutual friend of Eymris and mine died two days ago. We watched her and her husband as they dated and married and we shared their joy when we found out she was expecting. Their life was something we looked to and said 'Let's be like them'. And we always wanted to be like them. Brittany Ruff died of complications from her pregnancy in what may be one of the most horrible events in my life. We never met her face to face, but we knew her and we loved her and we will never forget her.

'On the Passing of a Young Mother and her Unborn Child'
A Poem
By Zachary K Whitworth

What is it here that drives us on?
Wherefore come we from sleep at dawn?
What purpose pulls us from our beds?
What devil puts words into our heads?

How can we each day up rise,
To see the stars fall from the skies,
And every night lay down our heads,
When the all about lies beauty dead?

What bitter jest is this to us,
That all we see around us must,
Always fall an be devoured,
By the Earth in every hour?

We watch and see the world stripped bare,
And yet we always give a care,
Never learning from up above,
That pain is always friends with love.

Death always gives in and fails,
To break us from this lovely tale.
Always again do we return,
To in love's fires contented burn.

Monday, 9 November 2009


Just found out something big. Note to self- November 8th. More later

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Out of Whack

Everything seems off again. I just got over a bout of the Swine Flu and things seem really stressful right now. I feel like I need to go and do schoolwork and clean my room and things like that, but something is holding me back. I'll work to get past it.

Still writing, though not nearly as quickly as I would like. I'm at 15,000 words last check.