Tuesday, 27 December 2011


It's Christmas Time, which means I'm at my Grandparents' house in Tennessee again. I love it here. If there is any place in this world from which I draw my Romanticistic inspirations, it's here.

Not only is it beautiful and open and clean (mountains!), but it also is home to my first introduction to the Fantasy genre.

My Uncle (my Father's younger brother) is only 13 years older than I am. He had a Nintendo growing up and my brother and I played it when we would come over. He had something like 8 or 9 games and we played the ones that he said we could. There were a few he said we couldn't; I think two of them were violent or something...

One game that we couldn't play was Dragon Warrior. It wasn't that it was violent that we couldn't play it, it was that he was at the very end and hadn't beaten it and didn't want his nephews to accidentally overwrite his data. I only remember him saying not to play it once, so it's very likely that that didn't last very long.

My Uncle had apparently gotten Dragon Warrior in some sort of bundle or something, because he had the guidebook for it as well as posters, maps and monster lists. While my brother was playing Super Mario Bros. I looked over these  papers and read the guidebook. Eventually, I started playing Dragon Warrior and was instantly enthralled with the swords and sorcery fantasy world. The game had everything: a dragon-guarded princess to rescue, magical artifacts to find and towns and dungeons to explore. It, to me, is the baseline Fantasy world, the genre archetype that is what all good stories should be at their heart.

I can still hum all the different music and quote the King as he tells you to be careful on your journey. I was terrible at the game as a child, but it instilled in me a sense of adventure and a love of the generic, archetypical and the clichéd.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

November Over

Yes, I am aware that november has been over for a few days now.

NaNoWriMo went well! I finished the night of the 29th. I've posted all of it up on DeviantART, but it's split into 6 parts. I wonder if I can post the whole thing here? Let's see... Upload to Google Docs and... done. Well, that was easy. And there it is, too, as it was meant to be read: 11.0 font, Ubuntu typeface.

Now I'm going to go back to pretending I'm studying for exams.

Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, 5 November 2011


It's November and therefore it is time to write! NaNoWrimo is going on and I am participating! I'm recycling my old Tactician idea (now called Emberfell) and am currently ahead of schedule. Got to get back writing,

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Perhaps a little better.

I feel a little bit better today, though, a lot of issues have arisen: My glasses are becoming too small. I don't where them as much as I should, but I feel very "right" with them on. And they help my headaches. I've got a lot of work to do and I'm not sure how it'll get done. Things that matter will have to be sacrificed. I've gotten into one of those drawing moods again. Alas, if only I could draw. At this point, I'd take consistancy over skill in the short-term. Practicing is so depressing. My Medicine certainly does help things.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

A Dilemma

The current time is 01:15 and there is nothing I feel more like doing than taking medicine (which I forgot this morning, thus the malaise and anxiety) and staying up into the endless night reading light manga and writing tidbits. I want to draw. I wish I could draw.

The fact that no one will read this is getting to me a little bit.  Sleep is the last thing I want, even though I've been working so hard to sleep more. I feel like I'm missing a post between this one and the last one. There was something else... oh, I'm posting from my phone, so that I don't get distracted. But I think I might get up anyway.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

A New Idea

Idea: First-person view, girl meets a guy who claims that he knows her. He explains that he is a timetraveler and that he has already met her under these same circumstances. He loops infinitely, going back in time, meeting her, spending the day with her and then going back in time, only to come out and do it again. He is a paradox, like a mobius-strip, there is only this loop of time. During their time together, he displays prescience, telling her what is about to happen, even things that she will do. They all come true. She falls in love with him, but he has to go back in time, or they'll never have met.

Thursday, 4 August 2011


I feel that I spend much of my time, lately, waiting. Waiting for meals, waiting for friends, waiting for Blogger to fuse with Google+, waiting for school to start, waiting for the events to reach a conclusion.

I've done very little of anything, lately. I play games with my friends all day, wishing I were writing or reading. I've done none of either for some time, though, I have fleshed out a character for DnD quite extensively.

Maybe when I go back to school I'll get kicked out of this lethargy and pick things up again.

Thursday, 14 July 2011


Things are coming to a head. These next few days will decide much about how things go. I will continue to do my best and trust.

There is a rumour that Blogger is going to be combined into Google+. I, for one, hope that they remain separate.

Thursday, 7 July 2011


As I was going about my summer vacation, I began to think that I would be much better suited for a time when writing letters was the most common form of correspondence. I've read letters from authors to their friends and it just seems that the topics were, I don't know, more towards something that would fit me.

But then, perhaps, it's merely my reserved personality that keeps my dealings with others as they are.


I feel like I'm writing too many things at once, but I can't help myself. I've got a post-apocalyptic, last-man-on-earth story that I've been doing, which I will detail later.

Balancing my time has been difficult, but I've been reading quite a bit, which is nice.