Ever have those moments where you want to die? Yeah, I had that.
Some people got on Jedi Academy, I saw their connection name and thought that one of them was Hashiba, Someone who has a reputation of irreverence and general boisterousness. They weren't doing anything at first, but they quickly moved to using the clan's private chat (which is password protected) and Hatamoto Level Admin Powers (Also passworded, I don't even have this power)
I knew Hashiba Had Hatamoto powers so I told him to drop the act and the two quickly spiralled into slinging racist slurs (by slinging, I mean that's all that they said. No, Seriously. EVER SENTENCE) and killing me with guns. After a while (this while included using their power to kick me from the server) They claimed to be AZ (Our long time enemies who lack any respect whatsoever and were originally and still mostly are, rebels that we've kicked from our clan) and eventually left. I made a thread about it on the forums.
Heres where things start sucking.
I said that I thought it was Hashiba, based on very good evidence (Same manner of speech, Same connection name, Same Powers, Hash was signed into the forums while this was happening) and in his first post Hashiba said "lol dude, it wasnt me" I have problems with reading comprehension (see wikipedia article, dyspraxia) and saw it as "lol dude, it was me" which then lead me to scold him. He retaliated (along with his like minded cohorts) by cursing at me for about two pages. Eventually, After being told off by other members of the clan, I looked back at the first page and saw my mistake.
I appologized and left it there but man I want to just curl up and die. Now, I still think that it might have been him, somewhere in the back of my mind. But for now I accept his claim otherwise. If he ever reads this, I'd like to say I'm sorry if it wasn't you, if it was, then man I'm going to hunt you down.
In other news, I drew something really awesome in artclass today (so awesome infact that I stole my Sketchbook from the room just to scan it)
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