So far, the longest elvish word that I have come up with is Sobamishlodfen (soh-bah-mihsh-load-fin). This is a compound word and breaking it down goes like this: Sobam means "Seed". The tag "-ish" is added to words to make it "Who bears [word]". The tag "-lod" means that this word is a defining quality for another word (usually the sentence subject), such as "A [subject] characterised by [word]". Finally, the tag "-fen" is the opposite tag. It turns Lalil (light) into Lalilfen (darkness), Aseth (mystery) into Asethfen (common knowledge) and Oquus (hill) into Oquusfen (valley). Most things in Elessic are defined as positive or negative. A positive thing (such as Open, Tall, Convex) has its own word, while negatives (such as Closed, Short, Concave) have their opposite with the "-fen" tacked on the end.
If you combine all of these you end up with a word roughly meaning "Characterised by not bearing seeds". How did this come up? Well, during my translation of the book of Genesis, I came to a point where I would have to translate "Seed Bearing Plants". I thought about it, and then I made a word for Seed, added the "Bearing" tag (which I had already come up with) then I put the "Characterisation" tag (which had also been made previously). I was quite proud of this word and one day I thought about it with the "Opposite" tag on the end. Why? Well I knew it'd be the longest word I'd have come up with yet.
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