Friday, 24 July 2009

Elessic Notes 002

I'm adding a new character to the Elessic Rune-Set. It will be romanised as a Hyphen (-) and will cause the two sections of the word to be pronounced separately, though not as separately as two different words. This is being done because a word I came up with (Eravir) would be pronounced e-RA-vir in the without the mark and as era-VIR with the mark. Eravir is what I'm renaming the Eldian afterlife, (I'm refraining from using the word "heaven" as it is different and the word is overused)

Also, I'm changing the Elvish word for Lantia from Saltaala to Enic (which is the name of the country in Winter) simply because I like it better. The two words are interchangable similar to Elda and Midgard.

The word "Elessic" comes from the Elvish word "Eless" which refers to their race (can be used similarly to the way "Man" is used to mean all humans). Before the Elvish language was fully understood, Humans saw the elves saying that they were "Eless", and then the Noun-to-Adjective English ending was added (-ic) to make it the elvish language. The Elvish word for Elvish is Anquer.

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