Sunday, 2 August 2009

I Remembered What I Was Going to Write About

I remembered today that I was going to write about why, in all the things I've written, I've never written a female Hero. It's not that I feel that they do not make good main characters or that I feel they lack certain qualities needed to make them interesting. If anything it is quite the opposite. While I (usually) don't write in the first person, even from a third person view the main character is very much the focal point of the story. I am much more comfortable writing males than females because I suppose I understand them better. In truth, I'm rather uncomfortable around men, but the characters that I write are not other people, they are a piece of me set in a situation that I control. Writing a girl seems something a level above me.

When mapping out The Seven (the seven personifications of myself found in Uruz' story) I considered making one of them female... but I decided against it because making a single character so special as to be the only one of the inner group of characters of a different sex seems rather dumb to me. When mapping out the Angels (done long before I mapped The Seven) I was confronted with a dilemma. I always imagine Angels as female (they're prettier that way), but I made them male (making them all female would require a lot of female-writing and possible accusations of sexism- they are the villains after all) But while reading through Genesis on a mission trip, I decided to make Uruz a half angel. I turned one of the angels female (Rebecca) but then I had one female out of six males. So I made another another (Sarai, formerly Selah).
Here's a quick list of The Seven and of the Angels:

The Seven: (each is a personification of myself)
Uruz - The Hero, he serves as the link between the Angels and Man, a General Personification.
Crow - The Alchemist, falls into the Eastern Monk class, Personification of Confidence.
Arthur - The Monk, a devout member of the Church, Personification of Faith.
Dante - The Thief, carefree but strong, Personification of Freedom.
Alin - The Psychokinetic, wrought with phobias and disorders (connected to his powers), Personification of Anxiety.
Icarus - The Automaton, despite being clockwork he is the most caring and gentle, Personification of Kindness.
Oz - The Wizard, a somewhat cold and very arrogant genius, Personification of Intellect.

The Angels: (no specific meanings)
Isaac - The First Angel, he acts as the leader, though his laziness belies his immense power.
Sarai - The Second Angel, a Companion to Isaac, she is hateful and scheming.
Balthazar - The Third Angel, an outcast, he was tricked into giving his weapon to Uruz' grandfather.
Melchior - The Fourth Angel, the spy, he does Isaac's bidding by gathering information.
Rebecca - The Fifth Angel, the traitor, imprisoned by the others for marrying a Human.
Jacob - The Sixth Angel, the trickster, unsought by the others, he spends his time causing madness and chaos in the world.
Casper - The Seventh Angel, second only to Isaac in strength, he is submissive and abused by the others.

Post Scriptum: I also give my characters Romantic Interests, which would be very awkward to write for a girl.

1 comment:

Emily Dorchak said...

it would be akward to write about romantic stuff for a girl.. o.e
hum... suggestions to soft hentai lol.. just writing. not actually mangas.. those are way to raunchy. maybe u should just leave that stuff off.. if u ever need an iillustration, i love to do one for u. im not to good with men, but females i can do. :D
im doing it for leonard and his senior project book too.