Monday, 15 November 2010

Getting things together?

I'm not sure if I'm doing well right now or not. I'm trying to write as much as I can, but I'm busy with everything. I've all but abandoned Nikolao without even getting a real start... I've also decided that Revema should have a Dire Wolf companion. I've yet to decide on a name for it, or even a sex. Tradition tells me it should be male and named Romulus, but the male wolf goes against her character... Yet I don't have a good name for a female wolf.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Character Idea

Fochlucan Lyrist Female named Revema (prone to dreaming). Short, thin, long brown hair, brown right eye, grey left eye.
Hailing from The Evinrealm, the forested, moonlit lands at the edge of the world, she was raised by the silent watchers who dwell there. One day as she wandered through the woods she found herself where there were no stars, and then no woods. She became lost in the foreign world of people. She learned Common and now seeks a path home.
She is quiet and dodgey, trusting none but her goddess, Sehanine. She carries a harp, sword and cloak from the Evinrealm. She is unaligned.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Saturday, 30 October 2010

The Tale of Nikolao

Story idea:

Nikolao is a young bard living in a heavily wooded and very romanticised country. He is somewhat famous for his unusual appearance and naïvete but the latter of these attributes protects him from the populace's lack of seriousness towards his music. He is pure-hearted and caring.

People are mean not just to him, but also to each other and have lost respect for the forest in which they live. Angered, the spirit of the forest begins cursing the people. Niko looks for the goddess to plead on humanity's behalf and show her that there is hope for mankind.

This story will make extensive use of Esperanto.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.4

Monday, 25 October 2010


Would have posted this forever ago but I had forgotten a part of it.

Semi-Dystopian near-future, Northern Asian/Southern Russian city. People live quiet but anxious lives in a sort of quarantine. A virus/syndrome/parasite (undecided as of yet) called Sirius has crippled at least a portion of human society. It's cause is unknown, but it turns people's hair black and eventually causes severe headaches, mania, aggression a physical capabilities in affected humans. To counteract this, a top-authority "police" named "MOS" (Pronounced "moss," will backronym it later) has been formed. People refer to its members as "Mossmen." They have complete authority over the government and are allowed to kill whomever the want, whenever they want, in the interest of protecting the citizenry.

They monitor people (not extensively) and immediately execute any who show aggression or defiance towards them. People born with black hair are given ear-tags to show that they are not infected and are required to undergo monthly testing to ensure that have not contracted Sirius.

Executions are very common; every day specially equipped Mossmen come through the streets and incinerate whatever bodies lay in the gutters. The people live quiet lives in a mixed-culture city but always are afraid that something they do could cause them to be executed for the protection of society.

I want super near future. It's very inspired by Half Life 2

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

September 16th, 2010

Cross-posted directly from deviantART for archiving purposes:

Been reading The Blue Lagoon (I'm almost done with it now) and it's inspired me to pick up an OLD story I started writing long, long ago.

**Skip this if you don't care to read it**

I don't remember what inspired me to it (I've always had this romantic idea of living as a castaway on an island with the one I love, though) or when I started writing it, but I have a tiny bit of a story that at the time was called "Prometheus" (it's name is now being changed).
A young enlistee in the British Navy (named Isaac for now, I've mentioned it's a place-holder name for me) in the late nineteenth century wakes up in a shanty on an island under the care of a beautiful native girl temporarily named Revadi (Esperanto, roughly translates as "To Day-Dream with Intent," this is a word that I've pieced together myself and I may not fully understand the exact meaning of the -ad- suffix, but Lerno means the act of learning and Lernadi means "to study"). She lives in a small village on an island with a tall pinnacle in the middle that reaches up into the clouds. Revadi says that people on the island are named by those who care for them and she gives him a name (I'm not sure just what, though)

Those on the island have never seen anyone or anything from the outside world. Despite this they speak English. Isaac at first tries to rationalise this but gives up. They believe themselves to be the only people living on the only land in the world. Whether or not this is true is left to the reader to decide. He is told that anyone who scales the pinnacle will find what he is searching for. Isaac decides that once he has fully recovered his strength, he will do so in search of a way home. Nothing supernatural happens in the story, but things do not happen normally.

Either this will be explicitly stated by the narrator or inferred by the narration itself, but the other people on the island fade and disappear and Isaac forgets that there was ever anyone or anywhere but them and the island. Revadi, likewise notices nothing about this. Despite having forgotten his reasons for doing so, Isaac sets out to climb the pinnacle accompanied by Revadi. They both act in a dreamlike-manner as they climb together and eventually, even Revadi vanishes and Isaac has no memory of her. This happens just as or before he reaches the top. The top of the pinnacle is flat and round and he crawls up onto it and--

I'm not sure yet. Something vague or uncertain happens. In my original ideas he looked up and saw the ocean in the sky above him as though this all had been some sort of dream-like reality or like the sky was just another ocean with an island in it and people in both oceans looked up and saw the clouds between them and the clear blue above.

I've almost entirely ditched that ending.

**Okay, you can pick up here if you're skipping**

Anyway, I suddenly don't feel as beaten up and down-trodden as I have been. It's strange, but things look brighter to me. I don't know, maybe I'm getting more organised or something.

As part of my Introduction to Education class I'm going to be observing/assisting a teacher at a local middle school for the next ten weeks. Every Friday from 10:00-12:00. I no longer get to go home on Thursday nights, but oh well...

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Now we're cooking with Steam

Alternatively titled "Wired for Steam"

I got a running Windows Partition, installed Steam and bought Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 (combo pack :3)

Look me up, if you play. The name is "Vespero"

Friday, 6 August 2010

Shallow Things

My last two posts (or maybe just my last one, I don't remember) have been long, drawn out, expressions of my thoughts. This post will not be.

I got blood drawn yesterday (two days ago, actually, but since I have not gone to bed yet I will refer to everything as though it were still Friday) and now I have a red spot on the inside of my right elbow. I have a freckle on the inside of my left elbow, so now I'm symmetrical.

I finished reading The Forest of Hands and Teeth! Great book (it's full of pain and heartache though, so don't read it if you get too empathetic for characters). Definitely reading the second one. Also! In the "About the Author" bit at the end, I found out that the author is from Greenville! (For those of you unfamiliar with Northern South Carolinian Political Geography, that's just a short drive from Spartanburg and is, in fact, where I'm going to college)

I'm going to college. I'm moving out in a week.

Things are about to get krazy.

Post Scriptum
The "k" in "krazy" indicates extra craziness.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010


Lots of people read to escape their lives. I don't. I don't read to get away, or even because I like it (I'm horribly slow at it). I read for two reasons: Firstly, I want to know. Whenever people reference Faust or The Divine Comedy or any other thing, I want to know what they are talking about. But more than that, I want to know it to such a degree that no one (at least, no one I will come in contact with) will be able to say they know more about it than I do. It's weird, but I hate it. So I read old stuff that people mention, but no one ever reads so that I can say "I've read that" and show people up by expanding that one point of the conversation to an area that I feel superior in.

What was I talking about?

Oh, secondly, I read because there's something that interests me in the topic or story. Really I guess I also will read something if I simply love the story, but that's rare (except with Narnia <3)
Don't get me wrong, I love stories and their messages and books, but the actual act of reading is hard for me.


Right, Escapism. Some people use reading as a form of escapism. It makes me think too much. I think too much about my writings when I read. I don't play adventure games or RPGs to escape either. Again, I think too much about writings when I play those, usually because of the action and wonderful stories.

What do I do to escape? I play Harvest Moon.
I have a weird relationship with the Harvest Moon series of games. I love them so, so much. But they make me sad. Melancholy, I suppose is the better word. Not so much now as they used to, but I still feel weird when I play.

For those of you who don't know, Harvest Moon is a game series where you run a farm. You grow crops, raise animals, befriend the villagers, expand your house and marry any one of several possible mates which are available for courtship. It's kind of like Farm Sim meets Dating Game.

I can sit down and blow hours watering, harvesting, caring for cows, mining ore, giving presents to the girl I like. I never get tired of it. Once while I was on vacation, I sat down one morning and beat the first game of the series in 13 hours, only stopping to get food. I was sick at the time though.

I'm very weird about my preferences in women. Part of me is quiet and shy and wants a girl that is active and loud and will get me to do things. Another part of me is confident and in control and wants a girl that's quiet, so that I can take her hand bring her out into the world.

In Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (which I am currently playing again) I married Karen my first time playing. Karen is a loud, dominant red-head who likes to get drunk from time to time. I think maybe since I was new to the game, I wanted someone more controlling.

On this time playing, however, I went the opposite way. I am currently courting Mary, the librarian, who's awkward and shy, but very cute. Maybe it's because I know this game inside and out and am feeling more confident?

The weirdest thing is that I have a girlfriend, :devbasilfaery: and she doesn't fit either category at all, but I'm perfectly happy. When I played when I was younger I dreamed of growing up, moving to the country and living happily with a cute, shy little wife (I was really weird in middle school), but now, I don't think about that at all. I like where I'm going in life, and I can't wait to get there.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


I realised today that since I am now cross-posting my blog to my deviantART journal that A) My journal updates will be much more frequent than the average person's, and B) A lot of what I write will be extremely off-topic for a deviantART journal. Like this:

As mentioned previously, I've been out of town for almost two weeks now. Last week I was at my Grandparents' house in Tennessee, spending my nights in their furnished basement. I'm a very nostalgic person (strange for someone so young, eh?) and one of my favourite memories is two years ago, at my Grandparents' house in the Summer, when I watched all 50 (or is it 52?) episodes of Gundam Seed in one week. Something about that time in my life just gives me this weird, unexplainable feeling. Thinking back, it seems like in that period of my life, it was as if when I was in that basement nothing else existed outside of its walls and time stretched out into the infinite so that I could lay, and think and write and watch all that I needed. (that last sentence sounds strange because I combined two sentences to make it and am too lazy to fix it)
That entire story was to set up this much shorter one: Because I am always wishing to re-live that time, I stay up late while in Tennessee. Normally, I re-adjust my schedule quickly upon returning home. Since this time I did not go straight home, I'm having trouble re-adjusting. So I'm still staying up late (just to 2:00 at latest, not 3:00-4:00) and waking up early (7:00-8:00) to eat breakfast with everyone. This results in me being very tired.

I'm tearing through The Forest of Hands and Teeth (fun fact: when I copy and past this into deviantART, the tags that make that title Italics will not show up when it is published and won't do anything) I'm like, 60% done with it. I find it enthralling and I'm not sure why. It starts out interesting, then gets dull, then gets interesting, and then gets dull/romantic. Holy cow, is this how teen girls really think? I feel a bit like Piro reading Bishojo to figure out how girls think (shout out to :devfredrin: and his wonderful webcomic, Megatokyo) anyway, Mary (the main character) is very dramatic and gets on my nerves occasionally, but it's very exciting, even if she does make me want to smack her and tell her to pull herself together. Gosh.

I had something else to say, but I've completely forgotten it now.

I forgot to grab a fresh razor when I stopped by the house on my way here so my razor is crazy dull.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

July 13, 2010

I couldn't think of a title for this one, so I will simply date it. I fell behind a little on updating my blog (it's been almost a month) and I've fallen extremely behind on updating my deviantART journal (this will be the first one in at least a year). My blog suffers from a severe lack of readers so I'm going to start cross-posting. So hello, my adoring fans!

Anyway, I am currently on vacation to Kiawah island with my family for our traditional semi-annual trip. I spent the week just before this one at my grandparents' house, so I have not slept in a bed in ten days (I've been on couches). I've also begun studying Esperanto (ĝi estas tre facila).

I've spent a lot of time lately looking through Wikipedia's "List of dystopian literature" page and reading the summaries. While doing so, I came across a story called The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan, a writer who I've heard of before. It became the first book I ever purchased for my Kindle and it's very well written, though it's obviously written for teenage girls -__- nevertheless, it is a good book and shows a lot of promise. I just wish it had a little less girl-loves-boy-romance-drama.

My most recent writing project is tentatively entitled Alice and Death (an allusion to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland's shortened name, Alice in Wonderland). The story goes thusly: Late Victorian London (or perhaps somewhere near London), a young girl named Alice lived a normal life (for the only daughter of a rich family) until the day came when she was to die. Death (you know, the Grim Reaper), however, has fallen in love with her after watching her over the past year and on the spur of the moment saves her from the event that was to cause her death rather than collecting her soul once she has died.
Now, as standard punishment for his crime (as listed in his book of rules) he must reveal himself to Alice and take her life before midnight seven days after her fated death. If he fails to do so he will be turned to dust and she will live forever, never aging, never sleeping, never eating, like a living corpse.
Because he loves her, he gives in to her request that he wait until the last day to take her and to let her accompany him in the meantime. Will Alice see past Death's frightening exterior and understand his feelings? When the time comes, will Death be able to take the life of the girl he loves, even if she falls in love with him? I sure hope so :3

Dangit, I just realised I forgot to shave today.

Saturday, 19 June 2010


Last Tuesday I received my Kindle 2 in the mail. It's absolutely fantastic. I haven't bought anything in the store, just downloaded things from Project Gutenberg and put on some PDFs I've got. Wonderful piece of technology. Named her Toroko (keeping with my Cave Story theme).

I've been reading The Nibelungenlied and I got to thinking about writing great heroes in the distant past of my stories. Winter will have none of that now, I'm doing my best to keep it entirely self-contained (seems best for the story). So my other option is The East which lends itself much better to ancient heroes. But the problem arose when I got to thinking about when to set the heroic exploits. Previously, I had Uruz' story happening in something like the 4,000th year since the elves entered the world (Early drafts listed it as the 7,000th). I now feel this is much to early, what with elves living so long. Even with my elves living mostly only to 600 (at oldest), that is still only a very short time. I am now beginning to think that the year should be shifted more towards 10,000. Maybe 8,000. I like that much better as a number, but I don't know if it will do as a date.

So many problems with things. Right now, though, I feel I must concern myself with Winter as I am currently filled with ideas for it which have not yet been put down to words. But no writing at this time of night, I must to bed.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Another Dream

Last night I had the most extraordinary dream. Unlike most dreams, I was not a character in it, nor was anybody that I knew. It started with something that reminded me of Finding Nemo, but only a little. A young clown fish was kicked out of his house on his sixteenth birthday as was tradition.

I don't know why it was tradition, or exactly what happened next, but that's the way it went. Anyway, it began moving seamlessly between that story, Death Note and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. In fact, they were all fused into one. The fish who was kicked out played the role of Light (complete with some sort of killing). There was either a jump forward in time or I simply forgot some bits (I think it skipped, it did that in a couple places), but either way he started living together with a character who acted as Misa, but also a character who was something like Misa's older sister (I know, weird.) there were some other characters with them, but I don't remember those.

Either way, I have a distinct memory of Light (they were all human at this point) leaving the building (it wasn't really a house) and thinking something that made it apparent that he was in fact evil. There was some sort of villain, very non-descript. I can't think anything about him except that he was adult, male and not really that bad. Maybe a detective or something. But at one point I saw Light, Misa and (note: this Misa character didn't act or look much like Misa, but she was blonde and that's how I remember her) and the villain standing in a a weird, mirrored revolving door thing. It didn't actually happen and acted only for the narrator to say some bits. It's then that he first mentioned the villain.

I think that there was something about school. Also, I remember seeing a bookshelf with volumes 1-9 (of 10) of this story on it. They looked like thick, leather books, not like manga. Right after that I saw the clown fish talking to a flounder about how hard his life was, having been kicked out of the house. The flounder said that he, too, had been kicked out of the house at sixteen (this was some years in the future from then) and that his life had been hard too. The clown fish realised that his hard life had been nothing special, and he went back to be with his group of friends.

Now, during the dream I had learned spoilers of it: The clown fish (as Light) had a child with Misa, and then another some time later with her sister. The first was named Lucky, and the second one's name was said, but I've forgotten it. This was done to aid his evil intentions, not out of love. Either way, it was the second child who helped him succeed.

But then the strangest thing happened, as the clown fish/Light returned home I saw an image of the older sister reading a magazine out in a field by lantern light (I think she was keeping watch), then that faded, and I thought I heard the narrator say something. But what I thought was the narrator for my dream was the narrator for an infomercial saying the standard line at the beginning about the following being paid programming. I was awake, in my bed, sweating, and more tired that I was the night before. The rest of the dream never played out, it just seamlessly faded into reality.

Now, there are a few bits that I left out either accidentally or because I couldn't reconcile with the rest chronologically. A part with the Clown Fish bowling with his mother and then time-lapsing into his future self, a part at school with Matsuda and the rest of the Kira Investigation group driving in a car, a part in a prison where the guards were evil and someone (possibly me and my brother) were trying to question an armed inmate in a large room with tables, and some of the narrator's lines about how much the flounder had missed his mother (mirroring his lines about how much Light had missed his).

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Hello Again

I don't really know what I was going to say, but I had something. I haven't slept well these last few days, but I think I will be fine tonight. Oh drat, I forgot my medicine, I just realised. Well, nothing to do for it now.

I've been writing a campaign for Dungeons & Dragons and honestly can't wait to run it.

Had some great writing ideas. Need to go do those now before I forget.

Oh! I ordered a Kindle. Should be in Tuesday, but I'm really hoping for tomorrow.

Also, I'm thinking about changing my Handle to Paracelsus. It's not quite as neat as Icarus, but it is far less common and therefore more likely to be open. I hope TinierMe will allow for name changes in the future.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Another Day

I had an idea for a Yonkoma strip last night, but I didn't right it down and I forgot it. So frustrating.

I realised a few moments ago that I forgot to take my medicine this morning. Another frustrating thing.

I had an idea for a story: What if perfect people suddenly started appearing in the world? But, I can't think of anywhere to go with it. And besides, it's a kind of thing that's done a lot.

I had more to say, but I forgot it. Maybe I should have entitled this "Things I Forgot"


I remembered the Yonkoma idea! But then I forgot to write it down... But then I remembered it as I got in bed! Something about arguing semantics, I'll flesh it out later.

Oh, and apparently, event if I go back and delete all of the stuff that's added when I use the Blogger Button on the Google Toolbar, clicking the Blog Entry title still links to the page I clicked it on. Unhappy.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Turning Point

I've now graduated, and until very recently have been in a bit of a funk. I know it seems each time I post now is just to mention coming out of a funk, but at least I'm posting.

For the Summer thus far, I've spent most of my time playing Tales of the Abyss. Great game, I'm right at the end. Will finish it soon.

Last Friday I got Death Note (the complete box set) in the mail. I ordered it April 9th, but I'm willing to forgive Amazon because Death Note rocks. I finished it earlier today and began reading vol 13, which is extremely interesting.

Anyway, this funk mostly consisted of an extremely negative outlook on things. But As I was about to get into the shower, I heard Boston's Peace of Mind on the radio and something about that, mixed with finishing Death Note, made me feel optimistic. Today was also a cleaning day, though I just now realised that I didn't fix those clothes in my room...

I've switched from three to four days, and at first I used those days to the fullest, but these past few times I've only been doing the minimum. I think it will still use more time today than I would like, but oh well.


Post Scriptum:
I've begun using the google toolbar. It's great, though not being able to change which site is being searched on the main search box is annoying. As is the fact that whenever I use the Blogger button to pop up a convenient window to post a new entry in, it automatically enters the information about my current page. I wish there were options for such things.

<3 Google anyway

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


My Windows partition got virused and has completely ceased functioning. Sooo now I'm back on good ol' Ubuntu and working on configuring all the things I hadn't before.

I had something interesting to blog about earlier, but I don't feel like it now.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Thursday, 15 April 2010

This was actually two nights ago

Last night I had a strange dream. I, my brother, an unidentified female and an older unidentified female worked at what was called (but only sort of resembled) a hospital. I never saw the hospital from the outside, but the inside was completely tiled with pink tiles. It was a very familiar but unusual and warm pink. The walls and cielings were also this colour. The places in between tiles were black.

I never saw inside any rooms in this "hospital" nor did I see any "patients" I was never called a doctor, but I worked there. The young female was my friend, my brother worked there on a different shift than I, and the older female oversaw us all. Our "work" seemed to consist of holding up inside of a small break room. The room had two long tables, several chairs, a water cooler and was about 20'x6' and was much to small for its contents. Three of its four walls were open on the other side to an open area where two hallways met. These walls (except for the one with the door) hand windows around them. The fourth wall was blank. We would (Me and the girl and sometimes the older woman, if she were checking up on us) get in this room with weapons and hold of waves of zombies. I wasn't ever scared, I just remember that it was long, hard work and I would get rather exasperated. We didn't always stay in the room, sometimes we would go into the open area for a little while.

I remember a few specific events inside this dream (which seemed to last forever). One event I recieved a message that someone (possibly my mother?) Wanted to see me outside of the hospital. There were still zombies around so I took a weapon with me but was very nonchalaunt about killing the few that got in my way. I went out of the room and said that I would be back soon, went left down the hall that I didn't usually see and quickly turned right into an opening that lead onto a hill and down into a valley and in the distance there were mountains. I went to the mountains, talked to the person and came back. I killed a zombie, entered the room and apologised for having to leave.

Another time I remember walking with someone through the first floor lobby of the hospital. This was also pink and it was huge and open like a mall. I don't remember what we were talking about.

Once there was a long (or, I remember it as being long) sequence of me and the girl fighting zombies and as we did so we moved out of the room and into the open area. Near the end, the Supervisor woman showed up, as did my brother who was late for his shift. Apparently because he was late, I had stayed longer and ended up being awake for twenty-four hours.

I can't remember anything else now.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


I am finishing up my Senior Project which is editing the Literary Journal for this year. As I was doing so and talking to my mother, she asked me what I had submitted to the journal myself. I told her "Two things." as I wanted to avoid the subject of their actual names. "The centre spread and one other." "What are they called?" she asked. "'Hamelin,'" "Is that a poem?" "Yes." "And the other is 'On the Passing of a Young Mother and Her Unborn Child.'"

I don't remember exactly what was said, but she used that strange tone of voice she does when she thinks I'm doing something strange because she doesn't understand my reasoning. She said something about me never having experience that situation and I reminded her of Brittany. Now I am second-guessing the name of the poem.

I didn't take my medicine this morning and I got really shaky and my skin got hot when I wsa talking to her.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

A change

Recently something has changed about me. I find myself thinking more and more of beautiful things and less about my writings. Despite this, I've been writing more recently than I have in quite a while. My senior project is almost finished and soon I'll be much more free to do as I wish with my time.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

A Strange Dream

Last night I had a very strange dream. I do not remember the exact chronology of it, but I am assuming that the scene in the Electronics section of the Store (the one that always shows up in my dreams) is near the beginning. At one point an employee spoke to me, but I don't remember what was said.

What proceeded afterwards seemed to me something like a mix between an Anime and a Video Game. Either way, it chiefly concerned the lead characters from CLAMP's CardCaptor Sakura. I don't remember any sort of menus, but I did tell my Brother (I saw neither him nor myself, lending itself to being a Video Game) that the ending events were triggered after you completed a certain number of missions, not after completing a certain mission. The events that happened at the end involved Sakura realising that she loved Li rather than Tomoyo (they were together in the dream for some reason, I think they were older than in the story). Tomoyo was okay with it and was happy for them, I think she found someone else. The actual events happened in the Store.

I remember telling my brother that they could have just followed the Game Guide for their wedding and stuff, but I don't remember why though. I think it was very cliche. The game divided it into the Engagement, Wedding and Honeymoon. There was something like a game before the wedding, I think, at my church with Li's family. I remeber thinking about the transition between Knights and Guns on the battlefield. The Child Care area was like a garage on the inside with part of the back wall missing and his family members sitting up on beams between support beams. Behind the hole in the wall was the staircase from my Grandparents' house that leads down into the basement. There was something about us running down the stairs over and over again.

If I didn't mention it before, I remember seeing my dream-version of my grandparents' fields. Anyway, after everything I remember seeing Sakura and Li back in the store with their friends and one of them asking Li what would happen now that he wouldn't celebrate Wellington Day, which I remember thinking was a Christian Holiday in december. I followed them across the front of the store and then back, but a shelf had moved and I was blocked off from them and had to go around. That's all I remember.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Story Idea: Judas

(Note: The character Judas is not named after Judas Iscariot. I just happened to like the name.)

There is a city made of white stone and ruled over by an immortal king. The city seems endless, outside areas are ever mentioned. Everyone lives happily. An orphan boy named Judas is taken care of in a government-run house for orphans. He has a good life, but like all healthy boys who grow up in the government's care, he enters the military academy to become a City Guard. His teachers quickly realise that he is a prodigy and at the age of 15 he is transferred to a special group. There he is trained in infiltration and disguise and stands out amongst the most skilled of the elite.

He is assigned to infiltrate a group of suspected assassins, foil their plans just before their completion and help arrest them during the ensuing confusion. Once inside the organisation he meets a girl with whom he becomes close. The goal of the organisation is to kill the king, who they believe is not immortal, but simply replaced every time he dies. They plan to have one of their men set as a guard in the palace the night before the king's 880th birthday, the morning of which he will address the populace from the balcony of his room. The spy is to work their way to the king's bedroom and kill him as he is making his speech so that the people will see the truth.

Judas succeeds in getting posted as the palace guard, but when he reaches the king's chamber and discovers that what the assassins said was true, he has second thoughts about whether or not he should uncover the plot of regicide and turn in the assassins. He is faced with a delema: should he kill the king and uncover the lie simply because it is a lie? Or should he allow the lie to persist simply for the sake of peace?

Saturday, 16 January 2010

This Feeling

For several days now I've had this terrible feeling. I feel that there are certain things that I simply must do and that I do not have the time to do. This list includes (but is not limited to) learning Arabic, Japanese, Latin and German (as well as other languages); writing The East, Winter and my various other disjointed pieces and ideas I've got laying around; and reading Dune, the rest of the Ender's series, Paradise Lost, The Silmarillion, et cetera.

I am going to stop wasting so much of my time and start working harder.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Numbers Station Story Idea

Twelve years after a Zombie Apocalypse, the world is mostly de-populated. People living on islands are presumed to be safe, assuming that no one from the outside has entered since the outbreak. A fast-acting virus that is transfered by biting kills people within minutes and re-animates their bodies. The zombies are slow, but will attack until their bodies break down and disintegrate from strain.

The main action (probably) takes place in France where a group of survivors live underground. The hero is a young orphan who spends his time helping find food for the village. In his spare time he fiddles with old machines. After getting an old radio working, he soon finds a signal being broadcast, even though they are the only group for miles. The leader of the settlement tells him that that signal has been broadcasting for many years and was once a beacon of hope for the survivors. Rumour has it that the Transmission began on the day of the outbreak (December 24, 1998). It has repeated the same message over and over again in Russian Morse Code. It is assumed to be coming from an abandoned station somewhere. The story fascinates the Hero and he decides to look into it on his own time. While looking for food, he sneaks off to a library to look for books to help him decipher the message.

He translates the message as "Turn Back, Turn Back. The sun is setting. 2-3-3-0-4-5. Endless. Turn Back. Repeat." and later finds the journal of a man who lived in their settlement and studied the signal before giving up when they were forced to move underground. During the four years that he recorded and studied the broadcast, it never changed. The Hero begins to dismiss the broadcast as just being an old station with a repeating machine, but he still listens to it at night.

One night, the message changes. It stops for several seconds and a voice comes on and states the current date, time, weather, moon phase and other things (wind speed, barometric pressure, et cetera). As the voice is saying these (all in Russian) another, garbled and distorted voice (sounding something like it is being played backwards) grows louder and louder until the first voice can no longer be heard. The second voice eventually stops, and the morse code resumes. The whole thing lasts 117 seconds.

The Hero concludes that there must be someone living in the broadcast station and petitions the Chief to let him take a party to find the survivor(s) and perhaps salvation (if a broadcast can be sustained for that long, there must be civilisation or at least resources) but his request is declined. After many tries, he is given leave to go find the source of the broadcast, but he can not take any of the village's men with him and no married women may go. His childhood friend decides to go with him and they take what weapons that they are allowed.

They meet up with other survivors, get a vespa and fight zombies and such.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Another note...

Word to remember: Iprion

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

On Weather and Other Things

I came up with the idea for Winter back in May (possibly the 23rd, depending on how long I waited to blog about it) and if it was like most May's, it was warm. But now it is January and I am reminded of just how bitterly cold the wintertime can be. I will definitely be mentioning the wind more next time that I write.

I've really gotten into the .hack series lately. I've been playing the ps2 games as well as reading .hack//ai_buster. I'm currently using an ALTIMIT wallpaper.

I got a Japanese Bible, finally! It's got side-by-side Japanese and English text which is cool, but I'm not too crazy about it being Today's English Version, bits of it don't exactly jive with standard Christian Beliefs.