Friday, 6 August 2010

Shallow Things

My last two posts (or maybe just my last one, I don't remember) have been long, drawn out, expressions of my thoughts. This post will not be.

I got blood drawn yesterday (two days ago, actually, but since I have not gone to bed yet I will refer to everything as though it were still Friday) and now I have a red spot on the inside of my right elbow. I have a freckle on the inside of my left elbow, so now I'm symmetrical.

I finished reading The Forest of Hands and Teeth! Great book (it's full of pain and heartache though, so don't read it if you get too empathetic for characters). Definitely reading the second one. Also! In the "About the Author" bit at the end, I found out that the author is from Greenville! (For those of you unfamiliar with Northern South Carolinian Political Geography, that's just a short drive from Spartanburg and is, in fact, where I'm going to college)

I'm going to college. I'm moving out in a week.

Things are about to get krazy.

Post Scriptum
The "k" in "krazy" indicates extra craziness.

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