One memory which stays strong is my mind is my Christmas Break some two years ago or so when I spent much of my time playing Final Fantasy III for the DS. I remember the house getting cleaned and laying around the house waiting for Christmas to come. This year, my time has been occupied playing Pokemon Ruby.
Merry Christmas
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Monday, 14 December 2009
I think that I am more concerned with memories than most people. I have certain memories that are very strong in my mind, ones that are not all entirely pleasant, and yet I think fondly of them. One such example is my seventh grade year of school. I suffered insomnia almost nightly, and when I was able to sleep I almost always awoke at 4:00. This was likely caused by my medication at the time.
When I think back on those nights, I somewhat wish to experience it again. Laying in bed in a dark room; it seemed as though nothing beyond its walls existed. I would think about my room floating in complete darkness, I thought about what it would be like if it were the only thing in existence.
More fondly, though, do I think of my Summer trip to my Grandparent's House in 2008. I had no Internet, but I did have a stock-pile of Anime to watch. I watched all of Gundam SEED in that week, and I would stay up all night doing so.
I'm sleepy now, and need to go to bed, but I'll continue this later.
When I think back on those nights, I somewhat wish to experience it again. Laying in bed in a dark room; it seemed as though nothing beyond its walls existed. I would think about my room floating in complete darkness, I thought about what it would be like if it were the only thing in existence.
More fondly, though, do I think of my Summer trip to my Grandparent's House in 2008. I had no Internet, but I did have a stock-pile of Anime to watch. I watched all of Gundam SEED in that week, and I would stay up all night doing so.
I'm sleepy now, and need to go to bed, but I'll continue this later.
Sunday, 29 November 2009
I've been really busy lately with school and so I haven't gotten around to blogging. However, all of my stuff is due this week so I'll have time after that for writing and such.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
It Rained Today
It's something of a trope for people to talk about the inaccuracies of meteorological weather predictions, but I find them to be very true most of the time.
Monday, 16 November 2009
A Massive Dream
Last Friday I developed a migraine and took Relpex sometime in the late afternoon. As a result, I quickly fell asleep and had a strange dream which seemed to last forever.
The first part of the dream began with Brother and myself in a car, he was driving and we were going to a store. It was something like Willy Wonka, about six other people were lined up on the upper level of the warehouse-like store. A man stood behind a counter, he was the owner and only employee. The store sold lots of things, old video games, comic books, as well as things like bracelets and headbands and geeky things. I don't remember much about wandering around in the store, but he took us to the different aisles and showed us things. I just remember a lot of time passing. Something happened... I convinced him to take me to a corner of the store that was sealed, I think we were given something of our choice. In that corner (it was a large area) had yellow stuff in it, like sheets of wood. But there were other things and I remember seeing a mouse or something scurry around. Brother wondered what we were doing? I remember checking out. There was a goth girl in front of me in line. There was something I don't remember. Something about a bomb, something about the things we were buying at the check out. I don't remember. Nor do I remember what transitioned to the next part of the dream.
It began in a video game-like setting, a bunch of prison cells in a U shape (like, outlining a U, the actual U was open ground). I don't remember much about this before we played in it as a level in Donkey Kong 64, though there was something about it. I remember looking around... Anyway, I remember Lanky Kong, and those pads you use in the game to activate things. The cells were stacked three high and there was no outer walkway on the upper levels. One of them had a hole in the floor and yellow things floating in a circle inside the cell. They may have been bananas. I remember talking to someone (female?) about being stealthy. Some sort of guards were around.
I'll continue later.
The first part of the dream began with Brother and myself in a car, he was driving and we were going to a store. It was something like Willy Wonka, about six other people were lined up on the upper level of the warehouse-like store. A man stood behind a counter, he was the owner and only employee. The store sold lots of things, old video games, comic books, as well as things like bracelets and headbands and geeky things. I don't remember much about wandering around in the store, but he took us to the different aisles and showed us things. I just remember a lot of time passing. Something happened... I convinced him to take me to a corner of the store that was sealed, I think we were given something of our choice. In that corner (it was a large area) had yellow stuff in it, like sheets of wood. But there were other things and I remember seeing a mouse or something scurry around. Brother wondered what we were doing? I remember checking out. There was a goth girl in front of me in line. There was something I don't remember. Something about a bomb, something about the things we were buying at the check out. I don't remember. Nor do I remember what transitioned to the next part of the dream.
It began in a video game-like setting, a bunch of prison cells in a U shape (like, outlining a U, the actual U was open ground). I don't remember much about this before we played in it as a level in Donkey Kong 64, though there was something about it. I remember looking around... Anyway, I remember Lanky Kong, and those pads you use in the game to activate things. The cells were stacked three high and there was no outer walkway on the upper levels. One of them had a hole in the floor and yellow things floating in a circle inside the cell. They may have been bananas. I remember talking to someone (female?) about being stealthy. Some sort of guards were around.
I'll continue later.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Remember: Geek store, Jail Area + Donkey Kong 64 + Jericho, Jericho TV Show, Cooking in the Cul De Sac, Futurama + Enders Game + Jericho + Speaker For The Dead.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
A Faerie Tale's Ending
A mutual friend of Eymris and mine died two days ago. We watched her and her husband as they dated and married and we shared their joy when we found out she was expecting. Their life was something we looked to and said 'Let's be like them'. And we always wanted to be like them. Brittany Ruff died of complications from her pregnancy in what may be one of the most horrible events in my life. We never met her face to face, but we knew her and we loved her and we will never forget her.
'On the Passing of a Young Mother and her Unborn Child'
A Poem
By Zachary K Whitworth
What is it here that drives us on?
Wherefore come we from sleep at dawn?
What purpose pulls us from our beds?
What devil puts words into our heads?
How can we each day up rise,
To see the stars fall from the skies,
And every night lay down our heads,
When the all about lies beauty dead?
What bitter jest is this to us,
That all we see around us must,
Always fall an be devoured,
By the Earth in every hour?
We watch and see the world stripped bare,
And yet we always give a care,
Never learning from up above,
That pain is always friends with love.
Death always gives in and fails,
To break us from this lovely tale.
Always again do we return,
To in love's fires contented burn.
A Poem
By Zachary K Whitworth
What is it here that drives us on?
Wherefore come we from sleep at dawn?
What purpose pulls us from our beds?
What devil puts words into our heads?
How can we each day up rise,
To see the stars fall from the skies,
And every night lay down our heads,
When the all about lies beauty dead?
What bitter jest is this to us,
That all we see around us must,
Always fall an be devoured,
By the Earth in every hour?
We watch and see the world stripped bare,
And yet we always give a care,
Never learning from up above,
That pain is always friends with love.
Death always gives in and fails,
To break us from this lovely tale.
Always again do we return,
To in love's fires contented burn.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Out of Whack
Everything seems off again. I just got over a bout of the Swine Flu and things seem really stressful right now. I feel like I need to go and do schoolwork and clean my room and things like that, but something is holding me back. I'll work to get past it.
Still writing, though not nearly as quickly as I would like. I'm at 15,000 words last check.
Still writing, though not nearly as quickly as I would like. I'm at 15,000 words last check.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
More Funk
Been kinda weird the past week or so, but I think I'm better now. I've been doing a lot of writing on Winter. Things have been going well, and I've been thinking up chapter names:
8. The City of Red Flowers
9. The Heart of the Storm
10. Curiouser and Curiouser
11. Collapse
12. Tabula Rasa
Chapter 12 is the last chapter, and the last 5 chapters take place inside the Capital city. Currently I'm 19 pages in and am in Chapter 2 (Witch Hunters)
I've been toying with the idea of a short (2-3 page) zombie scene. I think the only real trouble I'd have with this would be getting started.
Story Idea: Steampunk Universe WWII Germany, science has unlocked psychic powers in certain individuals. Main Character- 15 year old Psychic Prodigy, Specialises in Telekinesis. Raised as military lab-rat, through the horrors of war begins to question whether or not he is on the right side.
Name to Remember: Anine
8. The City of Red Flowers
9. The Heart of the Storm
10. Curiouser and Curiouser
11. Collapse
12. Tabula Rasa
Chapter 12 is the last chapter, and the last 5 chapters take place inside the Capital city. Currently I'm 19 pages in and am in Chapter 2 (Witch Hunters)
I've been toying with the idea of a short (2-3 page) zombie scene. I think the only real trouble I'd have with this would be getting started.
Story Idea: Steampunk Universe WWII Germany, science has unlocked psychic powers in certain individuals. Main Character- 15 year old Psychic Prodigy, Specialises in Telekinesis. Raised as military lab-rat, through the horrors of war begins to question whether or not he is on the right side.
Name to Remember: Anine
Friday, 9 October 2009
Can't Think
I feel the need to Blog, but I can't think of what to say. My senior project was turned down, so I'm behind three months. I finished Ender's Game and while I predicted the end, I enjoyed it very much.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Stuck in the Middle
I am a middle child, but I am not used to being in the middle. While I am usually balanced in how I do things, I am almost never in the middle. I am either Happy or Sad in some extreme, I either feel intellectual and serious or foolish and carefree. Now I feel neither. After an extreme case of anxiety leading up to my Senior Project Proposal, I expected it to go very well or horribly. I was not prepared for the middle. It went in mediocrity and so I now do not know what to do.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
A Dream and Other Topics
This morning, I had a dream with a very peculiar nature.
Though there was more before this, the earliest bit I can remember is Me, Brendan and someone who I can't identify standing at the corner of the sidewalk near the pavilion at school. The pavilion was much larger and had a ridged metal roof and the entirety of it was lowered to the point that one could jump from the edge of the sidewalk to the gently slanting roof. The roof leveled out at the top and was a large wooden platform with supports going up to hold another metal roof that sheltered this smaller area. The upper roof's edges went down to the edges of the wooden area with only about two feet of space to slip under.
As I was standing on the sidewalk, I remember thinking something about a man of some villainous repute (though, I don't recall what for). I remember Ms Wells bringing a herd of rowdy children over to Brendan and Myself. Some of the children were playing with a knife (which, as I looked at it, was alternately a hack saw and a trench knife). To stop them from doing this, Brendan took the knife and handed it to me and I stepped up on a small square portion that was raised in the middle of one of the concrete squares. I threw the knife onto the lower roof of the pavilion and afterwards went over and jumped onto the roof, crawling up under the higher roof and looking underneath. The first thing I noticed was a failed attempt at tying a noose that hunge in front of me a short way off from cross beam. To the right of it, was a successfully tied noose. Behind those were many beams that went up to the roof in the middle to support it. Some ways up these beams was a half-made platform of planks (with what may have been some sort of shed, though, likely was just some unfinished thought of a shed, to the left). The platform was small and square with a pole going up at each corner and gaps where there were no planks.
Bethany, Leonard, Emmie and Mahria sat each with their back in a corner and their legs dangling through one of the holes in the platform (the platform was just an outline of a square and then planks going from one side to the other, leaving the four quarters open holes). Bethany called to me to come up and join them and Emmie crawled down from her spot. I remember saying that I didn't want to and then I was woken up to go to church.
I fell back asleep, however, and my dream continued. I was now in the very small upper room of a house and I remember feeling that I was finally about to get the jump on that villainous person I had thought about before. I had a revolver and some power of invisibility that I can't really explain. I went down the stairs thinking that I must stop this man's latest scheme which included building a teleporter. I went down the stairs (invisible) and they turned at the bottom and to my left was a door and to my right was a small room with the man's teleporter and beside that, the man himself. He was sleeping on his back wearing only a large bathrobe or towel tied around his waist. He was tall and thin with long yellow hair, much like I imagined a character I had put in Winter. I thought about how I couldn't fail at my task and then I raised my gun and shot at him as quickly as I could. For some reason it made a sound like it had no ammo and didn't fire. For some reason I remembered it doing this before. When I shot at him, my invisibility faded and somehow the man woke up and reached turned over and grabbed a a gun identical to mine from an end table. He shot at me and his gun did like mine and a moment later he stopped and offered that we settle this with a duel. We went out the door I had seen and stepped out onto my front porch. I thought something about having dueled him before.
As soon as we got out there, I began to say that we had to do this right, walking paces and all. But as I did that he went about walking paces without me. He then turned and shot at me, and I at him and both our guns did not shoot. But after a second one of his shots left the barrel and hit a potted plant next to me. It was followed by more blanks. Just after this, two of my shots went off, one missing over his left shoulder and the other hitting him in his chest on his left (both of these are his left, my right). There was a spot on his chest where he was hit, but no blood came from it. He said something to me and began to fall when I was once again woken up.
In other news, I finished 'Castle in the Air' and was seriously good (rivaling even 'Howl's Moving Castle')
I'm planning to get more done on Winter today.
Though there was more before this, the earliest bit I can remember is Me, Brendan and someone who I can't identify standing at the corner of the sidewalk near the pavilion at school. The pavilion was much larger and had a ridged metal roof and the entirety of it was lowered to the point that one could jump from the edge of the sidewalk to the gently slanting roof. The roof leveled out at the top and was a large wooden platform with supports going up to hold another metal roof that sheltered this smaller area. The upper roof's edges went down to the edges of the wooden area with only about two feet of space to slip under.
As I was standing on the sidewalk, I remember thinking something about a man of some villainous repute (though, I don't recall what for). I remember Ms Wells bringing a herd of rowdy children over to Brendan and Myself. Some of the children were playing with a knife (which, as I looked at it, was alternately a hack saw and a trench knife). To stop them from doing this, Brendan took the knife and handed it to me and I stepped up on a small square portion that was raised in the middle of one of the concrete squares. I threw the knife onto the lower roof of the pavilion and afterwards went over and jumped onto the roof, crawling up under the higher roof and looking underneath. The first thing I noticed was a failed attempt at tying a noose that hunge in front of me a short way off from cross beam. To the right of it, was a successfully tied noose. Behind those were many beams that went up to the roof in the middle to support it. Some ways up these beams was a half-made platform of planks (with what may have been some sort of shed, though, likely was just some unfinished thought of a shed, to the left). The platform was small and square with a pole going up at each corner and gaps where there were no planks.
Bethany, Leonard, Emmie and Mahria sat each with their back in a corner and their legs dangling through one of the holes in the platform (the platform was just an outline of a square and then planks going from one side to the other, leaving the four quarters open holes). Bethany called to me to come up and join them and Emmie crawled down from her spot. I remember saying that I didn't want to and then I was woken up to go to church.
I fell back asleep, however, and my dream continued. I was now in the very small upper room of a house and I remember feeling that I was finally about to get the jump on that villainous person I had thought about before. I had a revolver and some power of invisibility that I can't really explain. I went down the stairs thinking that I must stop this man's latest scheme which included building a teleporter. I went down the stairs (invisible) and they turned at the bottom and to my left was a door and to my right was a small room with the man's teleporter and beside that, the man himself. He was sleeping on his back wearing only a large bathrobe or towel tied around his waist. He was tall and thin with long yellow hair, much like I imagined a character I had put in Winter. I thought about how I couldn't fail at my task and then I raised my gun and shot at him as quickly as I could. For some reason it made a sound like it had no ammo and didn't fire. For some reason I remembered it doing this before. When I shot at him, my invisibility faded and somehow the man woke up and reached turned over and grabbed a a gun identical to mine from an end table. He shot at me and his gun did like mine and a moment later he stopped and offered that we settle this with a duel. We went out the door I had seen and stepped out onto my front porch. I thought something about having dueled him before.
As soon as we got out there, I began to say that we had to do this right, walking paces and all. But as I did that he went about walking paces without me. He then turned and shot at me, and I at him and both our guns did not shoot. But after a second one of his shots left the barrel and hit a potted plant next to me. It was followed by more blanks. Just after this, two of my shots went off, one missing over his left shoulder and the other hitting him in his chest on his left (both of these are his left, my right). There was a spot on his chest where he was hit, but no blood came from it. He said something to me and began to fall when I was once again woken up.
In other news, I finished 'Castle in the Air' and was seriously good (rivaling even 'Howl's Moving Castle')
I'm planning to get more done on Winter today.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Senior Project...
Senior Project has killed my urge to blog (we have to keep one for the class- sounds fun, they didn't execute it well). I hope soon to return to more regular updates. I've been playing Final Fantasy VII again and I'm some ways into the second disk. "Winter" is progressing smoothly, I'm filling out certain things as I go. Currently, I am reading Diana Wynn Jones' "Castle in the Air" and it is fantastic, a wonderful semi-sequel to "Howl's Moving Castle". After that, I plan to read either "Dune" or "Ender's Game"
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Winter: Chapter 1 COMPLETED
Okay, so it's not entirely finished (need to rewrite one paragraph), but it's good enough for now. It's 9 pages, but I think it's good despite its brevity. I've already gotten a good start on Chapter 2, and will be writing more on it tomorrow.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
A New Post
Still looking for a name for the Thief character (note: this is for Winter, not The East- This is not referring to Dante) I want something semi-normal. I'm probably going to skip a tad in Chapter 1 and move onto chapters 2 and 3. I'm trying to break my normal patterns as much as possible, writing the high-points and then filling in the rest could help me with a new style. Though, I'll likely only skip a little at a time before filling in.
New Story Idea: Dystopian future, something similar to Combine Occupied earth in Half Life 2. Oppressive policing controls public. Police very bad, but not absolutely unmerciful. Big Twist: Government purposely oppressive to make citizens band together, reducing crime. You do not steal from or murder your comrades when busy fighting Big Brother.
New Story Idea: Dystopian future, something similar to Combine Occupied earth in Half Life 2. Oppressive policing controls public. Police very bad, but not absolutely unmerciful. Big Twist: Government purposely oppressive to make citizens band together, reducing crime. You do not steal from or murder your comrades when busy fighting Big Brother.
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Winter Writer's Block
So my train of awesome got de-railed. This was caused by a sudden dissatisfaction with one of the characters. To combat this, I have come to ask you (now that I have followers) for help. I need a name for a Thief Character. His alignment is Chaotic-Neutral and he's got a serious disposition.
Just shoot off any names you have, They'll fill in the rest of the character when I see them.
Just shoot off any names you have, They'll fill in the rest of the character when I see them.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Ultra Beatdown Recant
With this entry I would like to recant my previous criticism of DragonForce's "Ultra Beatdown" Album. I was hasty in my judgement and have discovered that I am not good at liking music on my first time listening. Upon further consideration and re-listening to parts of it I have grown to like it.
It is indeed a slightly different style and it lacks "meh" tracks (not bad tracks, they just don't have the same quantities of mind-blowing awesomeness, though they are still very good - "Storming of the Burning Fields", "Revolution DeathSquad" et cetera...) Most (if not all) of its songs fit into the "Epic War" category and as I listen to it now I find its songs much easier to understand than previously and its rhymes and rhythms fit much better than I previously thought.
I also just watched a bunch of videos on DragonForce's Youtube channel. Their stage-antics are absolutely hilarious. Also, I noticed that they took down the "Through the Fire and the Flames" music video (likely because it was laughable at best) and I was pleasantly surprised by "Heroes of our Time"'s video. I noticed that rather than cutting the solos for time, they cut the song down to just a bit of the intro, the first verse, chorus and then left in all (or most) of the solos and "epic verse" at the end. Also the bright setting was interesting.
I bet you were expecting something special for post 100, eh?
It is indeed a slightly different style and it lacks "meh" tracks (not bad tracks, they just don't have the same quantities of mind-blowing awesomeness, though they are still very good - "Storming of the Burning Fields", "Revolution DeathSquad" et cetera...) Most (if not all) of its songs fit into the "Epic War" category and as I listen to it now I find its songs much easier to understand than previously and its rhymes and rhythms fit much better than I previously thought.
I also just watched a bunch of videos on DragonForce's Youtube channel. Their stage-antics are absolutely hilarious. Also, I noticed that they took down the "Through the Fire and the Flames" music video (likely because it was laughable at best) and I was pleasantly surprised by "Heroes of our Time"'s video. I noticed that rather than cutting the solos for time, they cut the song down to just a bit of the intro, the first verse, chorus and then left in all (or most) of the solos and "epic verse" at the end. Also the bright setting was interesting.
I bet you were expecting something special for post 100, eh?
Monday, 7 September 2009
Winter Status Update
Winter is coming along better than I could ever have hoped. The only thing restricting its growth is my lack of will to sit down and get something done (though I suspect that school will give me the time I need to write)
I'm writing it in Gedit (Ubuntu's Notepad) so I don't know how long it is so far, but I suspect 10-ish pages (though I could easily be horribly wrong). Ideas have knit themselves together before my eyes and I need only to put them to words.
I wrote a sextet to go at the beginning of the story:
Frozen lands are better than none,
And nothing's worth the world undone.
But even with greater disaster averted,
All thoughts of hope have been deserted.
For Time makes all the towers cinder,
And the most noble acts are ill-remembered.
It may go through further editing though.
To remember:
Eriavator - Wish
I'm writing it in Gedit (Ubuntu's Notepad) so I don't know how long it is so far, but I suspect 10-ish pages (though I could easily be horribly wrong). Ideas have knit themselves together before my eyes and I need only to put them to words.
I wrote a sextet to go at the beginning of the story:
Frozen lands are better than none,
And nothing's worth the world undone.
But even with greater disaster averted,
All thoughts of hope have been deserted.
For Time makes all the towers cinder,
And the most noble acts are ill-remembered.
It may go through further editing though.
To remember:
Eriavator - Wish
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Character Evolution: Merrich 001
I am currently something like 2/3s of the way through Chapter I of Winter. The lead character, Merrich bel Caste has already undergone some evolution (some of which is rather unwanted)
Originally, he was to be a very average adventurer. Determined, somewhat rough, but with a solid goal in mind. Currently, though, he has come across simply as a more mature version of Uruz (id est quiet and polite, but less skittish than Uruz). This partially comes through in a scene where Merrich panics going back to where he is staying during the night (when wolves hunt anything outside). I tried to relate that feeling that you have as a child where a small fear becomes greater and greater the more you think about it, like getting up to go to the bathroom at night. On the way back, you always make yourself think something's chasing you and by the time you get to your room, you're running as fast as you can.
I'll remedy this feeling of fearfullness by exhibiting bravery in coming scenes and explaining that he has an extra reason to fear the wolves that stalk through Enic's streets at night.
Originally, he was to be a very average adventurer. Determined, somewhat rough, but with a solid goal in mind. Currently, though, he has come across simply as a more mature version of Uruz (id est quiet and polite, but less skittish than Uruz). This partially comes through in a scene where Merrich panics going back to where he is staying during the night (when wolves hunt anything outside). I tried to relate that feeling that you have as a child where a small fear becomes greater and greater the more you think about it, like getting up to go to the bathroom at night. On the way back, you always make yourself think something's chasing you and by the time you get to your room, you're running as fast as you can.
I'll remedy this feeling of fearfullness by exhibiting bravery in coming scenes and explaining that he has an extra reason to fear the wolves that stalk through Enic's streets at night.
Saturday, 29 August 2009
I noticed that some of you probably have no interest whatsoever in this blog and may have followed it thinking that this was my Senior Project blog. It is not. If you did this, please follow 親のブログ and, if you so wish, stop following this blog.
Zach W
Zach W
Monday, 24 August 2009
A Description of Crow (for Emmy)
Essilfye ("Crow Child", referred to as "Crow" usually) was a tall man with long arms and legs and fingers and toes. At twenty-one years of age, he had traveled the lands with no specific purpose, but keeping alert to clues as to his origin. He was an Elf, as far as anyone could tell, but he did not look quite right. His ears were longer, less ear-shaped and they stuck out the sides of his head. Like elves, he could wiggle them around, forwards and backwards and up and down, often used to help express his emotions. Also like elves, his thin limbs and lankiness belied his immense strength. He had middle-length white hair and gray eyes.
Crow almost always dressed strangely for the fashions of the time. Most often, he wore either Gi, some sort of suit or a foppish, red and white suit with a flamboyant hat and a white feather (based off of Red Mages from Final Fantasy). His skin below his neck was always covered by wrappings to hide it from sunlight. His skin was covered in black markings, an intricate pattern like an impression of disjointed flames pulled apart. These markings brought him intense and burning pain as well as nausea and migraines when exposed to the sun. He had been found and adopted by the Elvish royal family (they ruled only a small part of the land though), but his true race was something similar to what we would think of as vampires.
However these "Vampires" (called "Ellegor", meaning "Imperfect") are more associated with spiders than bats. His canine teeth were slightly longer and pointier, but this was mostly unnoticable. In combat he used his bare hands, alchemy (similar to psynergy from Golden Sun) and- when necessary - a glaive (he most fits the "eastern monk" class).
He was layed-back, but determined and could be provoked into a fight if annoyed. He was very protective of Lenore, his love interest and eventual wife. Lenore was a blind elf who suffered from a form of Dwarfism that left her short and mostly small. She was found in a snowstorm with no memory of her past. She had hair like the night sky, skin as pale as the stars and eyes like the moon through the clouds.
But I digress, he was determined, intellegent and a bit hot-headed. He had a Familiar named Romulus who was a young Ice Summon-Spirit in the form of a gray-wolf.
Written for Emmy as a description for a drawing. I am interested to see her interpretation of his physical aspects as well as his character that shows through in art. I don't expect her to draw Lenore or Romulus or anything like that, I gave those simply as character elaboration (thus the skimpy descriptions)
This will give me a chance to see how well I convey my thoughts after they get filtered into text and then again into someone else's thoughts.
Crow almost always dressed strangely for the fashions of the time. Most often, he wore either Gi, some sort of suit or a foppish, red and white suit with a flamboyant hat and a white feather (based off of Red Mages from Final Fantasy). His skin below his neck was always covered by wrappings to hide it from sunlight. His skin was covered in black markings, an intricate pattern like an impression of disjointed flames pulled apart. These markings brought him intense and burning pain as well as nausea and migraines when exposed to the sun. He had been found and adopted by the Elvish royal family (they ruled only a small part of the land though), but his true race was something similar to what we would think of as vampires.
However these "Vampires" (called "Ellegor", meaning "Imperfect") are more associated with spiders than bats. His canine teeth were slightly longer and pointier, but this was mostly unnoticable. In combat he used his bare hands, alchemy (similar to psynergy from Golden Sun) and- when necessary - a glaive (he most fits the "eastern monk" class).
He was layed-back, but determined and could be provoked into a fight if annoyed. He was very protective of Lenore, his love interest and eventual wife. Lenore was a blind elf who suffered from a form of Dwarfism that left her short and mostly small. She was found in a snowstorm with no memory of her past. She had hair like the night sky, skin as pale as the stars and eyes like the moon through the clouds.
But I digress, he was determined, intellegent and a bit hot-headed. He had a Familiar named Romulus who was a young Ice Summon-Spirit in the form of a gray-wolf.
Written for Emmy as a description for a drawing. I am interested to see her interpretation of his physical aspects as well as his character that shows through in art. I don't expect her to draw Lenore or Romulus or anything like that, I gave those simply as character elaboration (thus the skimpy descriptions)
This will give me a chance to see how well I convey my thoughts after they get filtered into text and then again into someone else's thoughts.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Curly Brace
I officially have a NetBook! I cute little black Dell whom I've lovingly named Curly Brace after the character from Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story), a game which I've decided to name all my computers after.
I'm currently running Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope: Netbook Remix and once you switch it over to classic layout, it works fantastically. I no longer need my old laptop as now I can just jack in my 300gb external and access my old files from there. All I need now is to get a Wallpaper Terminal running and I'll be set!
I'm currently running Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope: Netbook Remix and once you switch it over to classic layout, it works fantastically. I no longer need my old laptop as now I can just jack in my 300gb external and access my old files from there. All I need now is to get a Wallpaper Terminal running and I'll be set!
Saturday, 22 August 2009
I got Kopete (my IM client) to connect to Yahoo again! After much searching and editing I came across a site which gave me an alternate server, and it worked! (Tried several other alternative servers, but only this one worked)
Thought up something to say about Essilfye, but too lazy to post now.
To Remember:
Dou emill, Essilfye.
Thought up something to say about Essilfye, but too lazy to post now.
To Remember:
Dou emill, Essilfye.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
School has started once again and now I have two free periods at the end of the day. I would like to write during this time, but I have no laptop to write with.
Senior Project has caused me to get yet another blog. It can be found through my Profile Page.
Senior Project has caused me to get yet another blog. It can be found through my Profile Page.
Friday, 14 August 2009
A Date!
Just got back from seeing Miyazaki's "Ponyo" with Ame. It was wonderful! Miyazaki always portrays children so well. There's a strange, fluid style of animation in all of his movies that gives a sense of energy and joy.
I ordered a Pocket Watch, it should be here in a few days. It's mechanical and very neat looking, I hope it works well! (and that I can work it right)
Name to remember for Winter:
Angelinasta bel Asenath
I ordered a Pocket Watch, it should be here in a few days. It's mechanical and very neat looking, I hope it works well! (and that I can work it right)
Name to remember for Winter:
Angelinasta bel Asenath
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
The State of the Union 002
Sun is shinin' in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin' ev'rybody's in a play
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day hey,hey
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin' ev'rybody's in a play
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day hey,hey
Sunday, 9 August 2009
The State of the Union 001
Things are going well, I think. I found out that I'm a much more critical writer when I forget my medicine for a few days. But at the same time I dislike everything I write and so nothing gets done. I'm rewriting what I had of Winter Chapter 1.
Haven't been sleeping well lately.
Haven't been sleeping well lately.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
I Remembered What I Was Going to Write About
I remembered today that I was going to write about why, in all the things I've written, I've never written a female Hero. It's not that I feel that they do not make good main characters or that I feel they lack certain qualities needed to make them interesting. If anything it is quite the opposite. While I (usually) don't write in the first person, even from a third person view the main character is very much the focal point of the story. I am much more comfortable writing males than females because I suppose I understand them better. In truth, I'm rather uncomfortable around men, but the characters that I write are not other people, they are a piece of me set in a situation that I control. Writing a girl seems something a level above me.
When mapping out The Seven (the seven personifications of myself found in Uruz' story) I considered making one of them female... but I decided against it because making a single character so special as to be the only one of the inner group of characters of a different sex seems rather dumb to me. When mapping out the Angels (done long before I mapped The Seven) I was confronted with a dilemma. I always imagine Angels as female (they're prettier that way), but I made them male (making them all female would require a lot of female-writing and possible accusations of sexism- they are the villains after all) But while reading through Genesis on a mission trip, I decided to make Uruz a half angel. I turned one of the angels female (Rebecca) but then I had one female out of six males. So I made another another (Sarai, formerly Selah).
Here's a quick list of The Seven and of the Angels:
The Seven: (each is a personification of myself)
Uruz - The Hero, he serves as the link between the Angels and Man, a General Personification.
Crow - The Alchemist, falls into the Eastern Monk class, Personification of Confidence.
Arthur - The Monk, a devout member of the Church, Personification of Faith.
Dante - The Thief, carefree but strong, Personification of Freedom.
Alin - The Psychokinetic, wrought with phobias and disorders (connected to his powers), Personification of Anxiety.
Icarus - The Automaton, despite being clockwork he is the most caring and gentle, Personification of Kindness.
Oz - The Wizard, a somewhat cold and very arrogant genius, Personification of Intellect.
The Angels: (no specific meanings)
Isaac - The First Angel, he acts as the leader, though his laziness belies his immense power.
Sarai - The Second Angel, a Companion to Isaac, she is hateful and scheming.
Balthazar - The Third Angel, an outcast, he was tricked into giving his weapon to Uruz' grandfather.
Melchior - The Fourth Angel, the spy, he does Isaac's bidding by gathering information.
Rebecca - The Fifth Angel, the traitor, imprisoned by the others for marrying a Human.
Jacob - The Sixth Angel, the trickster, unsought by the others, he spends his time causing madness and chaos in the world.
Casper - The Seventh Angel, second only to Isaac in strength, he is submissive and abused by the others.
Post Scriptum: I also give my characters Romantic Interests, which would be very awkward to write for a girl.
When mapping out The Seven (the seven personifications of myself found in Uruz' story) I considered making one of them female... but I decided against it because making a single character so special as to be the only one of the inner group of characters of a different sex seems rather dumb to me. When mapping out the Angels (done long before I mapped The Seven) I was confronted with a dilemma. I always imagine Angels as female (they're prettier that way), but I made them male (making them all female would require a lot of female-writing and possible accusations of sexism- they are the villains after all) But while reading through Genesis on a mission trip, I decided to make Uruz a half angel. I turned one of the angels female (Rebecca) but then I had one female out of six males. So I made another another (Sarai, formerly Selah).
Here's a quick list of The Seven and of the Angels:
The Seven: (each is a personification of myself)
Uruz - The Hero, he serves as the link between the Angels and Man, a General Personification.
Crow - The Alchemist, falls into the Eastern Monk class, Personification of Confidence.
Arthur - The Monk, a devout member of the Church, Personification of Faith.
Dante - The Thief, carefree but strong, Personification of Freedom.
Alin - The Psychokinetic, wrought with phobias and disorders (connected to his powers), Personification of Anxiety.
Icarus - The Automaton, despite being clockwork he is the most caring and gentle, Personification of Kindness.
Oz - The Wizard, a somewhat cold and very arrogant genius, Personification of Intellect.
The Angels: (no specific meanings)
Isaac - The First Angel, he acts as the leader, though his laziness belies his immense power.
Sarai - The Second Angel, a Companion to Isaac, she is hateful and scheming.
Balthazar - The Third Angel, an outcast, he was tricked into giving his weapon to Uruz' grandfather.
Melchior - The Fourth Angel, the spy, he does Isaac's bidding by gathering information.
Rebecca - The Fifth Angel, the traitor, imprisoned by the others for marrying a Human.
Jacob - The Sixth Angel, the trickster, unsought by the others, he spends his time causing madness and chaos in the world.
Casper - The Seventh Angel, second only to Isaac in strength, he is submissive and abused by the others.
Post Scriptum: I also give my characters Romantic Interests, which would be very awkward to write for a girl.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Happy Birthday, Blog!
My, time certainly does fly, doesn't it? One year ago today I brought you into this world and look how you've grown! You've changed your looks, your topic and even your name, but you are still you. I'm proud to have stood by you for so long, even though no one saw you. I look forward to another year of filling you with information!
Here's to another year,
Here's to another year,
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
These past days have been most un-productive. I've done little but wake up, play SilkRoad Online, play with my neighbour and eat (though, I forget to do that sometimes). I've gotten no writing done and have even been neglecting Final Fantasy VII (I'm right at the climax of Disc 1)
The other day I had an idea to blog about, but I forgot what it was. I've got another bit, but I'll use it tonight for my One Year Anniversary post (the official one)
I've not done anything on Winter since the prologue.
The other day I had an idea to blog about, but I forgot what it was. I've got another bit, but I'll use it tonight for my One Year Anniversary post (the official one)
I've not done anything on Winter since the prologue.

Friday, 24 July 2009
Elessic Notes 002
I'm adding a new character to the Elessic Rune-Set. It will be romanised as a Hyphen (-) and will cause the two sections of the word to be pronounced separately, though not as separately as two different words. This is being done because a word I came up with (Eravir) would be pronounced e-RA-vir in the without the mark and as era-VIR with the mark. Eravir is what I'm renaming the Eldian afterlife, (I'm refraining from using the word "heaven" as it is different and the word is overused)
Also, I'm changing the Elvish word for Lantia from Saltaala to Enic (which is the name of the country in Winter) simply because I like it better. The two words are interchangable similar to Elda and Midgard.
The word "Elessic" comes from the Elvish word "Eless" which refers to their race (can be used similarly to the way "Man" is used to mean all humans). Before the Elvish language was fully understood, Humans saw the elves saying that they were "Eless", and then the Noun-to-Adjective English ending was added (-ic) to make it the elvish language. The Elvish word for Elvish is Anquer.
Also, I'm changing the Elvish word for Lantia from Saltaala to Enic (which is the name of the country in Winter) simply because I like it better. The two words are interchangable similar to Elda and Midgard.
The word "Elessic" comes from the Elvish word "Eless" which refers to their race (can be used similarly to the way "Man" is used to mean all humans). Before the Elvish language was fully understood, Humans saw the elves saying that they were "Eless", and then the Noun-to-Adjective English ending was added (-ic) to make it the elvish language. The Elvish word for Elvish is Anquer.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Mahria Continued
As mentioned previously, Mahria's role is serving as Queen of the Faeries. Now, The character is meant to be her, but at the same time it doesn't seem much like her. Queen Mahria is serious and very no-nonsense which is very much different from her real-life counterpart. The personality change came about simply because that's how I wrote her in my head. In the actual story she will serve as a contrast against the overwhelming hospitality of the Elf kingdom (which the characters visit just a few days prior). The elves hold a banquet and shower them with gifts, but when the group arrives at the Faerie's city they find no one at all at first. Mahria is suspicious of people, somewhat secretive and very intuitive. She's really become the real Mahria playing a part as though in a play, rather than a flat representation of herself.
I was going to write something else but I forgot what.
I was going to write something else but I forgot what.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Unexpected Vacation
I just got back from a week-long trip to my Grandparents' house that I did not know I was going on until the night before, But I am back now.
On the trip, I finished watching Gundam Seed Destiny (GREAT ending), re-watched FLCL, did some summer reading, beat a ROM of River City Ransom, watched a lot of Food Network and actually got some writing done. I was only so productive do to my lack of internet.
I had a dream! I'm going to start recording them and posting any interesting ones.
Reading Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath' and his scenery-descriptiveness rubbed off on me while I wrote up a description of the land of Enic for the opening of Chapter two of 'Winter'
More tomorrow
On the trip, I finished watching Gundam Seed Destiny (GREAT ending), re-watched FLCL, did some summer reading, beat a ROM of River City Ransom, watched a lot of Food Network and actually got some writing done. I was only so productive do to my lack of internet.
I had a dream! I'm going to start recording them and posting any interesting ones.
Reading Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath' and his scenery-descriptiveness rubbed off on me while I wrote up a description of the land of Enic for the opening of Chapter two of 'Winter'
More tomorrow
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Today at Church I experienced something so singularly peculiar and ineffable that I feel that I must record it as soon as possible. While singing I felt an overwhelming sense of joy that I can not fully place in words that I know or can create. The sense of supreme happiness was so strong that I could think of nothing that had weighed my mind the rest of the morning. This feeling brought to me a smile so powerful that I scarce could continue singing and at the same time my tongue and cheeks did not tire as they often do during song.
Little more can I say of it, except that I have never felt as such in my life prior, and I pray that I feel so in my days to come.
Little more can I say of it, except that I have never felt as such in my life prior, and I pray that I feel so in my days to come.
Saturday, 11 July 2009
My character Queen Mahria, Ruler of Titania originally came into being some few years ago when my real friend, Mahria, asked me to draw her. Knowing that I was not skilled enough to draw a real person accurately, I drew her as a Faerie, which allowed me to pretty much draw a picture that looked sort of like her, without having to look exactly the same. (see right)
The result was a cheerful Faerie Princess. I always had it in mind to use her as a character in my mythos, but as it evolved she became a major minor character.
She was created to rule the Faeries, who were themselves created to handle the job that the Angels abandoned. This job is to deal with the dead. (unusual job for Faeries, but it works)
In the Elda Mythos when someone dies (completely), there soul begins to fall down through the earth, past the tree of life (Yggdrasil) and down onto the shell of a giant turtle on which the tree grows. Souls are weighed down by their sins in life and their punishment is to climb up Yggdrasil, take a path from there to the city of the Faeries (which clings to the west side of the world, a little ways down) and from there ascend the a staircase up into the sky where they congregate and make stars. (it's a good afterlife)
Because souls are weighted by their sins, the more sinful they were, the harder it is to climb the tree. This gives a good way to purify them.
There is also in the mix, Red Mana (as opposed to the normal, blue, variety). Red Mana bolsters physical strength similar to the way that Blue Mana bolsters mental abilities. Here they diverge, however. Blue Mana can be used in Magic, Red Mana can not. Red Mana, however, has a much more powerful affect on the organisms living in it. While Blue Mana does not cause a cascading increase in mental capabilities, something exposed to Red Mana will continue to grow stronger and more basely powerful (over the course of a long time). Souls that are either too heavy or are unwilling to make the climb stay in this Mana and become more and more powerful, while at the same time mutating in form and thought.
These souls become Devils, powerful beasts of varying form. If a devil climbs the Tree with its new found strength it will purify somewhat on its journey. If it has returned to a natural form, it is allowed to pass through Titania (the Faerie city) an up into the sky. If it is still a monster it is fought and thrown back into Wistil (the land of the dead) Where it must again climb or stay.
The Faerie's job is too keep Devil Souls from entering the World (Elda/Midgard), To ferry souls up to Aravi (Heaven) and to appoint Guardians (Souls trusted to remain in Wistil to give directions to the newly dead - they are protect from the Red Mana in a way that I haven't concreted yet)
I've wasted this whole time on the subject of afterlife in the Elda Mythos. I'll expound on Mahria tomorrow, and after that do a bit on Religion in Elda.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Elessic Notes 001
"Aza" means nameless
"Thoth" means terror or chaos
These are both nods to HP Lovecraft
"Azamin" means "Nameless One" (One, being "person")
Maybe an article about Mahria (character) tomorrow
"Thoth" means terror or chaos
These are both nods to HP Lovecraft
"Azamin" means "Nameless One" (One, being "person")
Maybe an article about Mahria (character) tomorrow
Monday, 6 July 2009
Musings 001
I think a cat's life must be very like those mornings when you wake up, and it seems as though your bed is swallowing you. You close your eyes and try to go to sleep, but you don't want to because of how wonderfully comfortable you are.
Yeah, Something like that.
Yeah, Something like that.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Notes on Elvish 001
So far, the longest elvish word that I have come up with is Sobamishlodfen (soh-bah-mihsh-load-fin). This is a compound word and breaking it down goes like this: Sobam means "Seed". The tag "-ish" is added to words to make it "Who bears [word]". The tag "-lod" means that this word is a defining quality for another word (usually the sentence subject), such as "A [subject] characterised by [word]". Finally, the tag "-fen" is the opposite tag. It turns Lalil (light) into Lalilfen (darkness), Aseth (mystery) into Asethfen (common knowledge) and Oquus (hill) into Oquusfen (valley). Most things in Elessic are defined as positive or negative. A positive thing (such as Open, Tall, Convex) has its own word, while negatives (such as Closed, Short, Concave) have their opposite with the "-fen" tacked on the end.
If you combine all of these you end up with a word roughly meaning "Characterised by not bearing seeds". How did this come up? Well, during my translation of the book of Genesis, I came to a point where I would have to translate "Seed Bearing Plants". I thought about it, and then I made a word for Seed, added the "Bearing" tag (which I had already come up with) then I put the "Characterisation" tag (which had also been made previously). I was quite proud of this word and one day I thought about it with the "Opposite" tag on the end. Why? Well I knew it'd be the longest word I'd have come up with yet.
If you combine all of these you end up with a word roughly meaning "Characterised by not bearing seeds". How did this come up? Well, during my translation of the book of Genesis, I came to a point where I would have to translate "Seed Bearing Plants". I thought about it, and then I made a word for Seed, added the "Bearing" tag (which I had already come up with) then I put the "Characterisation" tag (which had also been made previously). I was quite proud of this word and one day I thought about it with the "Opposite" tag on the end. Why? Well I knew it'd be the longest word I'd have come up with yet.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009
A Dream
I am recording this early because dreams tend to fade as the day goes on.
I had a dream in which I was talking to a Japanese lady who worked at my school about a book I had been assigned to read in the fourth grade. The dream centered around the book. The book told the story of a teenage boy and girl who (for some reason) were alone together on an Island. I remember how they looked, but neither were people that I know.
Sometime early in the story the presence of a monster on the island was revealed. It was tall and humanoid with blackish-blue skin and an elongated head. This story was definitely not appropriate for a fourth-grader. I specifically remember the F word being used in it as well as graphic depictions of violence and several patches of sexual content. The Japanese lady had read the book also, and when she remarked that I should not have read it in the fourth grade, I replied saying that I didn't understand it because I was so young. This part may have been caused by my own reading of Beowulf when I was around the fourth grade.
This is when things get weird. Early in the story the girl was raped and impregnated by the monster and the majority of the story revolved around the relationship between the boy and girl as the boy cared for her as the pregnancy progressed. Eventually she was unable to walk and spent her time in an inland pool. The boy lived in a hut right next to it and he built a fence to keep the monster out. The story came to a climax one night when the girl was going into labour and the monster returned. The boy was torn between fighting the monster (to protect the girl) and helping the girl give birth. The ending was not revealed.
After speaking to the Japanese woman, I excused myself saying that I was late for a party. The party was a pool party at a girl I know from school's house. I don't know what her house looks like or if she even has a pool, but it looked like a house I've imagined before. The pool resembled the pool from the book (in shape and by having a shed right next to it) and my mom drove Anna and I there. At this point the dream loses its continuity and what was happening became mixed with what had happened and I remember only snippets but what they are I can only speculate.
I had a dream in which I was talking to a Japanese lady who worked at my school about a book I had been assigned to read in the fourth grade. The dream centered around the book. The book told the story of a teenage boy and girl who (for some reason) were alone together on an Island. I remember how they looked, but neither were people that I know.
Sometime early in the story the presence of a monster on the island was revealed. It was tall and humanoid with blackish-blue skin and an elongated head. This story was definitely not appropriate for a fourth-grader. I specifically remember the F word being used in it as well as graphic depictions of violence and several patches of sexual content. The Japanese lady had read the book also, and when she remarked that I should not have read it in the fourth grade, I replied saying that I didn't understand it because I was so young. This part may have been caused by my own reading of Beowulf when I was around the fourth grade.
This is when things get weird. Early in the story the girl was raped and impregnated by the monster and the majority of the story revolved around the relationship between the boy and girl as the boy cared for her as the pregnancy progressed. Eventually she was unable to walk and spent her time in an inland pool. The boy lived in a hut right next to it and he built a fence to keep the monster out. The story came to a climax one night when the girl was going into labour and the monster returned. The boy was torn between fighting the monster (to protect the girl) and helping the girl give birth. The ending was not revealed.
After speaking to the Japanese woman, I excused myself saying that I was late for a party. The party was a pool party at a girl I know from school's house. I don't know what her house looks like or if she even has a pool, but it looked like a house I've imagined before. The pool resembled the pool from the book (in shape and by having a shed right next to it) and my mom drove Anna and I there. At this point the dream loses its continuity and what was happening became mixed with what had happened and I remember only snippets but what they are I can only speculate.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
I'm back in Tennessee to spend a week at my grandparent's house for a week. My spacebar has ceased to function on the right side. I'll continue Later.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Ho Hum
Summer is long. I find it strange that humans are in constant need of contact with one another. For the most part, I could go all summer without seeing my friends, but they feel it necessary to see me all the time. Go figure.
I thought of a better URL for my blog but I forgot it. It was two words in latin... adTerminum! That's what it was. Maybe I'll use that instead...
I thought of a better URL for my blog but I forgot it. It was two words in latin... adTerminum! That's what it was. Maybe I'll use that instead...
Thursday, 28 May 2009
More Ideas
I've got an idea for a horror short-story based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin story. Well, it originated as that, but after viewing 'The Triumph of Death' by Bruegel the idea mutated into something about skeleton-like beings luring children into an opening in the earth near the execution grounds.
I can't remember what I was going to say
I can't remember what I was going to say
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Poetry Idea Notes: Helter Skelter, Holding Hands in the Dark
I've got an idea for a story. An icy wasteland is said to have been a flourishing paradise many years ago. The people keep to the outskirts of the country (where it is a little warmer) in fear of a Witch who lives in a tower in the center of the country. A boy decides to go and find the Witch and have her (or defeat her) remove the Winter Curse that haunts the land. It turns out the the ''Witch'' was the princess of the land, who sealed off the rebellious Court Wizard after he attempted some sort of coup. To protect the world she sealed the Wizard away in ice, but was forced to freeze the whole country in order to keep him frozen. Yadda Yadda Yadda, the wizard is released maybe, action ensues. I may give it an ambiguous ending (like Prometheus) Oh, I haven't mentioned Prometheus yet. I'll do that later. I think I'll sign this one on for 10 Chapters.
Post Scriptum:
Recurring themes of Dreaming, Sleep, Ice, Wolves and Darkness.
The main character's name is Merrich, His personality will write itself. His team members are Angie, a Mage that he knew growing up, Brad, a thief and Arthur, a Cleric. Merrich falls into the Hero class.
I've got an idea for a story. An icy wasteland is said to have been a flourishing paradise many years ago. The people keep to the outskirts of the country (where it is a little warmer) in fear of a Witch who lives in a tower in the center of the country. A boy decides to go and find the Witch and have her (or defeat her) remove the Winter Curse that haunts the land. It turns out the the ''Witch'' was the princess of the land, who sealed off the rebellious Court Wizard after he attempted some sort of coup. To protect the world she sealed the Wizard away in ice, but was forced to freeze the whole country in order to keep him frozen. Yadda Yadda Yadda, the wizard is released maybe, action ensues. I may give it an ambiguous ending (like Prometheus) Oh, I haven't mentioned Prometheus yet. I'll do that later. I think I'll sign this one on for 10 Chapters.
Post Scriptum:
Recurring themes of Dreaming, Sleep, Ice, Wolves and Darkness.
The main character's name is Merrich, His personality will write itself. His team members are Angie, a Mage that he knew growing up, Brad, a thief and Arthur, a Cleric. Merrich falls into the Hero class.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Dragon Warrior
When I was younger, I would play my uncle's (a mere thirteen years older than myself) Nintendo. He had several games, but few impacted me as much as Dragon Warrior.
He had no idea what to name himself so he hit random letters, only to end up with "ZUIX 'RO", a name that I used for a while in various things, though my Brother has now taken it as his own.
I remember well its town names, especially Hauksness, Kol, Rimildar (though, I remembered it as Rimuldar) and Tantagel. Other names that stuck in my head were Edrick and Gwaelin. I like the name Gwaelin.
Drat, I just remembered that I had thought of a better name for Mallen (one of my story characters, he's psycokinetic) but I can't remember what it was. Something similar to Edrick I think. I'll be sure to write it down next time.
He had no idea what to name himself so he hit random letters, only to end up with "ZUIX 'RO", a name that I used for a while in various things, though my Brother has now taken it as his own.
I remember well its town names, especially Hauksness, Kol, Rimildar (though, I remembered it as Rimuldar) and Tantagel. Other names that stuck in my head were Edrick and Gwaelin. I like the name Gwaelin.
Drat, I just remembered that I had thought of a better name for Mallen (one of my story characters, he's psycokinetic) but I can't remember what it was. Something similar to Edrick I think. I'll be sure to write it down next time.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
What a Day
Today has been quite an interesting day. I woke up around 0700 and lay in bed dozing off and on until 0900. I then got on the computer, played Star Wars Battlefront 2 and ate breakfast. It was very strange, I seemed to have a very good grasp of the passage of time. I then proceeded to play Dragon Warrior over the course of several hours. All the while I knew that I had an essay to write. And I (quite responsibly) began doing it. Though, I'm still not done...
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Well, That Didn't Work
I got a migraine the next day but am better now.
I don't have time right now to finish my expansion on Oz' history, I've got a huge english thing due. But I'll get on it when I can.
I don't have time right now to finish my expansion on Oz' history, I've got a huge english thing due. But I'll get on it when I can.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Monday, 27 April 2009
On Oz
Ozticulus Hal is the Magician of The Seven. He sometimes comes across as being vain or cold, but really he is just very focused on the goal at hand.
I will begin by explaining his name, as it is one of the stranger ones that I have come up with. His name (Ozticulus Hal) was what came to mind when trying to add on to the name 'Oz Hal'. Originally, his name was simply Oz (a nod to Baum's 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz', but as I expanded his personality I decided that a more complex name would match him better. His last name comes for Wizard Howl from Jones' 'Howl's Moving Castle'. Whenever I ever try to tell someone about it, they always mistake 'Howl' as 'Hal'; maybe I should work on my 'ow' pronunciation. When I tried to combine 'Oz' and 'Hal' I found it necessary to add on to the first name or give him a middle name to add syllables and rythm, And so 'Oz' became 'Ozticulus' (it was the first thing that came to mind)
Oz is the youngest of The Seven (14) and is half Human half Elegor (a vampiric race which will be explained later) He is overwhelmingly skilled in magic and at a young age managed to reverse and seal a curse that affects all Elegor (black markings on their skin that burn in sunlight), though his method only worked because he was half-blooded.
Because of his age he does his work (as a freelance magician) in a false body that he created. This body appears quite a bit older and with a different build and colouration. He spends most of his time in this body (he cannot remain in it indefinitely, however)
Tomorrow I'll further explain his many origins and all that stuff
I will begin by explaining his name, as it is one of the stranger ones that I have come up with. His name (Ozticulus Hal) was what came to mind when trying to add on to the name 'Oz Hal'. Originally, his name was simply Oz (a nod to Baum's 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz', but as I expanded his personality I decided that a more complex name would match him better. His last name comes for Wizard Howl from Jones' 'Howl's Moving Castle'. Whenever I ever try to tell someone about it, they always mistake 'Howl' as 'Hal'; maybe I should work on my 'ow' pronunciation. When I tried to combine 'Oz' and 'Hal' I found it necessary to add on to the first name or give him a middle name to add syllables and rythm, And so 'Oz' became 'Ozticulus' (it was the first thing that came to mind)
Oz is the youngest of The Seven (14) and is half Human half Elegor (a vampiric race which will be explained later) He is overwhelmingly skilled in magic and at a young age managed to reverse and seal a curse that affects all Elegor (black markings on their skin that burn in sunlight), though his method only worked because he was half-blooded.
Because of his age he does his work (as a freelance magician) in a false body that he created. This body appears quite a bit older and with a different build and colouration. He spends most of his time in this body (he cannot remain in it indefinitely, however)
Tomorrow I'll further explain his many origins and all that stuff
Sunday, 19 April 2009
The Looking Glass
Brother and I have started work on a Text-Based RPG under the working name 'The Looking Glass Project'. It's still in its very early planning stages, but we hope to feature several Races, Class, Weapons and a variety of Skills and Spells. I'm designing it, Brother is doing the coding.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
A Continuation of Crow's Origins
Let's see, where was I? Right, the Alchemist. I looked back and it seems that I never named him, but that didn't stop me from fleshing out his story quite a bit. The idea was that he had received the Philosopher's Stone from his estranged father (once again, I was reading FMA at the time), and then later during some Alchemical accident had been fused with a fox. He thus had fox ears and I think a tail. I may have scrapped this idea though, as I remember a later version in which the accident had removed his Conscience. His conscience then followed him around as some sort of spirit, who advised him in his actions. This gave me a good excuse to do a Chaotic Neutral character as well as add a good deal of comedy from their interactions.
Anyway, the Alchemist at some point finds his way to the city where alchemy was banned and sneaks in. While there he befriends a girl (love interest) and his secret identity as an alchemist is revealed after fighting off an another alchemist who attempted to gain entry into the city (possibly involving a hostage situation?) To avoid punishment for his trespassing in the city, he offers to protect it from other treasure hunters.
The Philosopher's Stone is (in my stories) an item made (by God) from the four elements to govern them and it was then hidden in a town in the south. All of this carries on into Uruz' story. It's manifested as a 3'' diameter red pearl that reacts to alchemical commands. It can be made to pass through solid objects or change from its original state into other materials and shapes. It is very dense and can be made into very large forms. It amplifies Alchemical power and breaks down the 'divide' (something I'm fleshing out, It's the divide between what the mind tells the body to do and what it does. This affects precision in alchemy) but the Philosopher's Stone is wildly powerful and difficult to control. Crow was given by God (in chapter II) the ability to command it. His primary weapon now (other than his fists) is a replica of a famous Glaive that was used by a hero.
This is pretty fun. I think I'll discuss Crow's current incarnation and then maybe move on to the other Five.
Anyway, the Alchemist at some point finds his way to the city where alchemy was banned and sneaks in. While there he befriends a girl (love interest) and his secret identity as an alchemist is revealed after fighting off an another alchemist who attempted to gain entry into the city (possibly involving a hostage situation?) To avoid punishment for his trespassing in the city, he offers to protect it from other treasure hunters.
The Philosopher's Stone is (in my stories) an item made (by God) from the four elements to govern them and it was then hidden in a town in the south. All of this carries on into Uruz' story. It's manifested as a 3'' diameter red pearl that reacts to alchemical commands. It can be made to pass through solid objects or change from its original state into other materials and shapes. It is very dense and can be made into very large forms. It amplifies Alchemical power and breaks down the 'divide' (something I'm fleshing out, It's the divide between what the mind tells the body to do and what it does. This affects precision in alchemy) but the Philosopher's Stone is wildly powerful and difficult to control. Crow was given by God (in chapter II) the ability to command it. His primary weapon now (other than his fists) is a replica of a famous Glaive that was used by a hero.
This is pretty fun. I think I'll discuss Crow's current incarnation and then maybe move on to the other Five.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
The Origins of Crow
I remember quite distinctly when I first came up with the idea for Essilfye (Crow). It was some years ago while I was spending the summer with my grandparents in Laverne Tennessee. We were walking into the Church Auditorium when I looked at the wooden patter on one of the pews. The Pew was the second one from the middle divide on the right, and for some reason it gave me an idea. I suddenly remembered the scene from the beginning of FullMetal Alchemist where Edward pulls a spear from the ground using alchemy. That almost instantly became an idea of someone making a similar motion while vines and plants reached up out of the ground and twisted into a spear with a large red sphere at the base of the blade. This sphere (3'' in diameter) was my idea of the Philosopher's Stone. I noted this scene in my head.
Later that week, we were in the car going to my Uncle and Aunt in Crossville (I was to spend the night there and then my Father would come and pick me up) and I pulled out my laptop to play Jedi Academy. After starting a game, I quickly paused it and shut my laptop as I began to feel sick. Deciding to give my eyes a rest, I leaned on my right arm and shut my eyes. I do not remember my exact train of thought, but at some point it went back to that scene I had thought of in the Church. Expanding on this, I slowly came up with a story. The idea was that in the southern reaches of Lantia (by now I had given a name to my country and it more closely resembled what it is today) There was a town where (according to an old legend) the Philosopher's Stone was hidden. For years the town had been plagued with travelers coming by and causing trouble in their search for the precious item. The Philosopher's Stone, however, was not in the town. Years ago it had been found and kept a secret and eventually it found its way to our main character.
I do not remember him having a name, but He may have.
It's really late, I'll finish tomorrow
Later that week, we were in the car going to my Uncle and Aunt in Crossville (I was to spend the night there and then my Father would come and pick me up) and I pulled out my laptop to play Jedi Academy. After starting a game, I quickly paused it and shut my laptop as I began to feel sick. Deciding to give my eyes a rest, I leaned on my right arm and shut my eyes. I do not remember my exact train of thought, but at some point it went back to that scene I had thought of in the Church. Expanding on this, I slowly came up with a story. The idea was that in the southern reaches of Lantia (by now I had given a name to my country and it more closely resembled what it is today) There was a town where (according to an old legend) the Philosopher's Stone was hidden. For years the town had been plagued with travelers coming by and causing trouble in their search for the precious item. The Philosopher's Stone, however, was not in the town. Years ago it had been found and kept a secret and eventually it found its way to our main character.
I do not remember him having a name, but He may have.
It's really late, I'll finish tomorrow
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
The Second Incarnation of Uruz Koru
Uruz' second incarnation came sometime later (though I don't know how far, probably no more than six months). This one more closely resembles Uruz' current form. I'm uncertain if he was named Uruz yet, he may have been named Uz (I have since given that name to Uruz' son). The story went something like this:
Uruz lived in the capitol of a small country. After meeting the Princess at a festival he falls in love and decides to become a Knight so he can marry her. To become a knight he was to master the five elements of combat: Melee, Range, Magic, Alchemy and I forgot the fifth... Though it might have been Pole-Arms. There was little more to the story than that, though I remember that Uruz' mother was dead and his estranged father lived in the mountains in the north that bordered an icy wasteland. His father was an excellent alchemist.
At this point in time I was reading FullMetal Alchemist and its influnces are quite obvious.
The idea of meeting the Princess at a festival originally carried over into the current Incarnation, and the requirement of being a Knight to marry her is still a story element. I removed festival meeting because it was Cliche and I wanted to illustrate that Uruz' love and devotion is more than silly infatuation. I made them childhood friends and this fit in nicely, as a story I had written beforehand put a connection between his mother and the King, this gave an easy way to get them close and give him a bit of a leg-up in the royal court.
Crow's origins coming soon
Uruz lived in the capitol of a small country. After meeting the Princess at a festival he falls in love and decides to become a Knight so he can marry her. To become a knight he was to master the five elements of combat: Melee, Range, Magic, Alchemy and I forgot the fifth... Though it might have been Pole-Arms. There was little more to the story than that, though I remember that Uruz' mother was dead and his estranged father lived in the mountains in the north that bordered an icy wasteland. His father was an excellent alchemist.
At this point in time I was reading FullMetal Alchemist and its influnces are quite obvious.
The idea of meeting the Princess at a festival originally carried over into the current Incarnation, and the requirement of being a Knight to marry her is still a story element. I removed festival meeting because it was Cliche and I wanted to illustrate that Uruz' love and devotion is more than silly infatuation. I made them childhood friends and this fit in nicely, as a story I had written beforehand put a connection between his mother and the King, this gave an easy way to get them close and give him a bit of a leg-up in the royal court.
Crow's origins coming soon
Monday, 6 April 2009
Linux Blues
After struggling with my computer to get the screen working, I was less than surprised to find that my internet no longer worked. I wasted all afternoon installing wicd instead of Network Manager and I finally got it working after learning that my internet function key was off. I'll tell another nice story tomorrow.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
On Uruz
Uruz' earliest incarnation can be traced back four or five years. At the time, I had an idea of a Half-Elf swordsman (named Lance, had to look through a sketchbook to find it) from a world where elves and humans did not coexist. The idea was that he was disliked by the people of the town where he lived (it would be a city-state surrounded mostly by wilderness) and eventually he would be framed for the murder a townsperson and banished to the northern mountains.
There he would meet a fox-child (some sort of human-fox hybrid imp) and get his help to find the person responsible for the murder of the townsperson. First they would go east, seeking help from the Elf Kingdom, but would be denied it. However, the elven princess (Marta) would sneak out to help them. Somewhere they were going to meet up with a thief.
The main villain would be an evil wizard who lived outside of the town and framed Lance for the murder. This was some attempt to keep him from the city so that he would not achieve his potential as Lance was the only person capable of stopping him. The climax of the story was to be when the wizard attacked the city using a gigantic stone golem.
I'll post his second incarnation either tomorrow or monday.
I've started writing 'Prometheus', a noveletta about a boy who washes up on an island where the natives speak english and believe that the island is the only land in the world.
There he would meet a fox-child (some sort of human-fox hybrid imp) and get his help to find the person responsible for the murder of the townsperson. First they would go east, seeking help from the Elf Kingdom, but would be denied it. However, the elven princess (Marta) would sneak out to help them. Somewhere they were going to meet up with a thief.
The main villain would be an evil wizard who lived outside of the town and framed Lance for the murder. This was some attempt to keep him from the city so that he would not achieve his potential as Lance was the only person capable of stopping him. The climax of the story was to be when the wizard attacked the city using a gigantic stone golem.
I'll post his second incarnation either tomorrow or monday.
I've started writing 'Prometheus', a noveletta about a boy who washes up on an island where the natives speak english and believe that the island is the only land in the world.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Soul Calibur II
I've been playing lots of it lately. And Katamari Damacy.
I've noticed a strange smell in my room (first began to notice it when I first got the PS2) and It's become permanently linked with Kingdom Hearts and Cave Story in my head. It smells a bit like carpet, but also a bit like food.
I'm not really sure.
Next week is adventure week! Hoorah! Also I've been hand-writing an epic poem in ABccB format
I've noticed a strange smell in my room (first began to notice it when I first got the PS2) and It's become permanently linked with Kingdom Hearts and Cave Story in my head. It smells a bit like carpet, but also a bit like food.
I'm not really sure.
Next week is adventure week! Hoorah! Also I've been hand-writing an epic poem in ABccB format
Saturday, 7 March 2009
One of those days...
I looked at my watch in the shower and it seemed really small.
You know those times when you just can't seem to get the hang of drinking water? Today was one of those days.
You know those times when you just can't seem to get the hang of drinking water? Today was one of those days.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Epic Poem
My new idea for an epic poem is a story about a boy who journeys into hell to save the girl he loves who has been taken by the devil (likely some sort of bet with God). My biggest problem is finding a fitting rhyme-scheme. I don't want to go with ABCB because I'm using that in Aurelia.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Cave Story and EVA
I beat Cave Story! I played to the end once, but I had the machine gun and didn't say Curly. I was stuck there, so last night I started over and by today just after dinner I finished off Undead Core and am now stuck in the Sacred Grounds zone. It's really, crazy hard.
Also been watching Neon Genesis Evangelion and it is horrifically amazing. I find it very interesting to see the retro-futuristic aspects (2015 and they use Video Cameras that save on Floppies) Also, it's surprisingly gory. The Robots are organisms themselves, with what seems to be blood. Also, Shinji's reactions to fighting early on in the series are very realistic. It's likely the most accurate portrayal of what it would be like if we had giant Robots.
I've got an idea for another Epic Poem, but I'll talk about that later.
Also been watching Neon Genesis Evangelion and it is horrifically amazing. I find it very interesting to see the retro-futuristic aspects (2015 and they use Video Cameras that save on Floppies) Also, it's surprisingly gory. The Robots are organisms themselves, with what seems to be blood. Also, Shinji's reactions to fighting early on in the series are very realistic. It's likely the most accurate portrayal of what it would be like if we had giant Robots.
I've got an idea for another Epic Poem, but I'll talk about that later.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
I have once again changed the URL to my Blog. It is now 'Machinis' which in what little Latin I know means 'By means of the Machines'. I was going to do 'Machinā' (By means of the Machine) but I can't do the a with a Macron.
I've gotten into playing Cave Story and am quite thoroughly addicted. It's smooth and contains lovable characters (I really like Balrog a lot) as well as interesting game play.
I've gotten into playing Cave Story and am quite thoroughly addicted. It's smooth and contains lovable characters (I really like Balrog a lot) as well as interesting game play.
Monday, 23 February 2009
I got a PS2! And it is amazing! I've been playing Kingdom Hearts for a while now and hope to soon get Katamari Damacy or Starwars: Battle Front
I plan on writing an experimental string-of-consciousness paper explaining miscellaneous aspects of my Fantasy World.
I plan on writing an experimental string-of-consciousness paper explaining miscellaneous aspects of my Fantasy World.
Monday, 16 February 2009
Things have been going really well lately. I ordered a PS2 and it came in and so I've been playing Kingdom Hearts fairly nonstop since Saturday. Chapter I is going well.
I'm doing well in school and I've been reading. I got 'Castle in the Air' which claims to be the sequel to 'Howl's Moving Castle' but so far I've seen nothing connecting the two other than the mentioning of Ingary. I also got a Leatherback of 'The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide' and am rereading that.
I'm doing well in school and I've been reading. I got 'Castle in the Air' which claims to be the sequel to 'Howl's Moving Castle' but so far I've seen nothing connecting the two other than the mentioning of Ingary. I also got a Leatherback of 'The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide' and am rereading that.
Monday, 9 February 2009
More Writing
Recently my writing speed has picked up, though I'm afraid that I need to go back and flesh out certain parts of Chapter I. I feel it's progressing too quickly.
I've also worked quite a bit on Elessic and have expanded its basics some more.
Also I've started writing a dream-world story about an assassin.
I've also worked quite a bit on Elessic and have expanded its basics some more.
Also I've started writing a dream-world story about an assassin.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Monday, 26 January 2009
Just got a big can of stress opened up all over myself. How am I going to fix this one...
I finished reading Howl's Moving Castle and was very pleased with it. It's plot worked out very well.
I drew a map of Lantia today, though I'm not entirely pleased with how it came out, nor am I sure why. I need to finish Chapter I ASAP and then start on V and my mini-chapter introducing Oz.
And I still need to finish Aurelia! ARGH
I finished reading Howl's Moving Castle and was very pleased with it. It's plot worked out very well.
I drew a map of Lantia today, though I'm not entirely pleased with how it came out, nor am I sure why. I need to finish Chapter I ASAP and then start on V and my mini-chapter introducing Oz.
And I still need to finish Aurelia! ARGH
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Snow Day
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Recently I embarked on writing an Epic Poem for her. I'm doing my best to keep it for her, but I keep drifting back into my own wants. Currently I'm at a block though, I can't seem to get past a certain stanza.
It's about a Knight who finds a Girl in the woods. The girl has lost her soul and he and she go looking for them. It's a bit like Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle in that sense, though It's just the two of them right now. I may add another character... well, maybe not. That could complicate things and leave a hanging character.
I'll think it over.
It's about a Knight who finds a Girl in the woods. The girl has lost her soul and he and she go looking for them. It's a bit like Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle in that sense, though It's just the two of them right now. I may add another character... well, maybe not. That could complicate things and leave a hanging character.
I'll think it over.
Friday, 9 January 2009
Code Geass
I just finished Code Geass and... wow. It's just shocking. Perfect even. Near the end I began to get annoyed at the constant production of Knighmare Frames that seemed to be invincible, and that all knightmares were suddenly able to fly (the ground combat was far supperiour in coreagraphy) but in the end... It makes you want to cry. Not out of sadness, joy or anger, but simply because the story, the characters and the world are so amazing- so real that you don't want them to go away; you want all of the misunderstandings to be cleared up, all of the lies to be explained. But none of it matters because in the end... well, you'll have to see for yourself.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Fixed my Flash problems (gnash wasn't working so I switched to adobe) and have been writing at a decent pace. I drove home from school today and was super nervous, but I didn't die!
I bought a Latin book and have been studying it, but haven't gotten far.
My Japanese Coach is out on the DS and I'm determined to get it ASAP
I bought a Latin book and have been studying it, but haven't gotten far.
My Japanese Coach is out on the DS and I'm determined to get it ASAP
Friday, 2 January 2009
New Year!
Happy New Year Nobody!
It still hasn't completely sunk in yet. I've gotten back into writting, I've got a great feeling about my ReWrite of Chapter I. I'm working on increasing the steampunk sub-theme as to not seem out of place when I bring about the War later on.
Being away can be hard, but it gives me a reason to look forward to school.
It still hasn't completely sunk in yet. I've gotten back into writting, I've got a great feeling about my ReWrite of Chapter I. I'm working on increasing the steampunk sub-theme as to not seem out of place when I bring about the War later on.
Being away can be hard, but it gives me a reason to look forward to school.
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