Thursday 24 December 2009

Memories Continued

One memory which stays strong is my mind is my Christmas Break some two years ago or so when I spent much of my time playing Final Fantasy III for the DS. I remember the house getting cleaned and laying around the house waiting for Christmas to come. This year, my time has been occupied playing Pokemon Ruby.

Merry Christmas

Monday 14 December 2009


I think that I am more concerned with memories than most people. I have certain memories that are very strong in my mind, ones that are not all entirely pleasant, and yet I think fondly of them. One such example is my seventh grade year of school. I suffered insomnia almost nightly, and when I was able to sleep I almost always awoke at 4:00. This was likely caused by my medication at the time.

When I think back on those nights, I somewhat wish to experience it again. Laying in bed in a dark room; it seemed as though nothing beyond its walls existed. I would think about my room floating in complete darkness, I thought about what it would be like if it were the only thing in existence.

More fondly, though, do I think of my Summer trip to my Grandparent's House in 2008. I had no Internet, but I did have a stock-pile of Anime to watch. I watched all of Gundam SEED in that week, and I would stay up all night doing so.

I'm sleepy now, and need to go to bed, but I'll continue this later.