Monday 14 December 2009


I think that I am more concerned with memories than most people. I have certain memories that are very strong in my mind, ones that are not all entirely pleasant, and yet I think fondly of them. One such example is my seventh grade year of school. I suffered insomnia almost nightly, and when I was able to sleep I almost always awoke at 4:00. This was likely caused by my medication at the time.

When I think back on those nights, I somewhat wish to experience it again. Laying in bed in a dark room; it seemed as though nothing beyond its walls existed. I would think about my room floating in complete darkness, I thought about what it would be like if it were the only thing in existence.

More fondly, though, do I think of my Summer trip to my Grandparent's House in 2008. I had no Internet, but I did have a stock-pile of Anime to watch. I watched all of Gundam SEED in that week, and I would stay up all night doing so.

I'm sleepy now, and need to go to bed, but I'll continue this later.

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