Tuesday 13 July 2010

July 13, 2010

I couldn't think of a title for this one, so I will simply date it. I fell behind a little on updating my blog (it's been almost a month) and I've fallen extremely behind on updating my deviantART journal (this will be the first one in at least a year). My blog suffers from a severe lack of readers so I'm going to start cross-posting. So hello, my adoring fans!

Anyway, I am currently on vacation to Kiawah island with my family for our traditional semi-annual trip. I spent the week just before this one at my grandparents' house, so I have not slept in a bed in ten days (I've been on couches). I've also begun studying Esperanto (ĝi estas tre facila).

I've spent a lot of time lately looking through Wikipedia's "List of dystopian literature" page and reading the summaries. While doing so, I came across a story called The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan, a writer who I've heard of before. It became the first book I ever purchased for my Kindle and it's very well written, though it's obviously written for teenage girls -__- nevertheless, it is a good book and shows a lot of promise. I just wish it had a little less girl-loves-boy-romance-drama.

My most recent writing project is tentatively entitled Alice and Death (an allusion to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland's shortened name, Alice in Wonderland). The story goes thusly: Late Victorian London (or perhaps somewhere near London), a young girl named Alice lived a normal life (for the only daughter of a rich family) until the day came when she was to die. Death (you know, the Grim Reaper), however, has fallen in love with her after watching her over the past year and on the spur of the moment saves her from the event that was to cause her death rather than collecting her soul once she has died.
Now, as standard punishment for his crime (as listed in his book of rules) he must reveal himself to Alice and take her life before midnight seven days after her fated death. If he fails to do so he will be turned to dust and she will live forever, never aging, never sleeping, never eating, like a living corpse.
Because he loves her, he gives in to her request that he wait until the last day to take her and to let her accompany him in the meantime. Will Alice see past Death's frightening exterior and understand his feelings? When the time comes, will Death be able to take the life of the girl he loves, even if she falls in love with him? I sure hope so :3

Dangit, I just realised I forgot to shave today.

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