Tuesday 7 April 2009

The Second Incarnation of Uruz Koru

Uruz' second incarnation came sometime later (though I don't know how far, probably no more than six months). This one more closely resembles Uruz' current form. I'm uncertain if he was named Uruz yet, he may have been named Uz (I have since given that name to Uruz' son). The story went something like this:
Uruz lived in the capitol of a small country. After meeting the Princess at a festival he falls in love and decides to become a Knight so he can marry her. To become a knight he was to master the five elements of combat: Melee, Range, Magic, Alchemy and I forgot the fifth... Though it might have been Pole-Arms. There was little more to the story than that, though I remember that Uruz' mother was dead and his estranged father lived in the mountains in the north that bordered an icy wasteland. His father was an excellent alchemist.
At this point in time I was reading FullMetal Alchemist and its influnces are quite obvious.
The idea of meeting the Princess at a festival originally carried over into the current Incarnation, and the requirement of being a Knight to marry her is still a story element. I removed festival meeting because it was Cliche and I wanted to illustrate that Uruz' love and devotion is more than silly infatuation. I made them childhood friends and this fit in nicely, as a story I had written beforehand put a connection between his mother and the King, this gave an easy way to get them close and give him a bit of a leg-up in the royal court.

Crow's origins coming soon

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